i just wanted to intro myself diabetes since 1982 on pump since 2006 love it. some neuropathy issues, other then that good. recent diagnosis celiac last march. would love to hear any tips for that if you have them, traveling etc. new to website nice to see similair issues.
I've had diabetes since 96 and celiac since 98, been on the pump for almost 10 years now. I been around the block with the combo (not to brag but I was number 5 in my town diagnosed with both and this was before the big GF fad came around, haha). A fabulous website with recipes that are really good is www.glutenfreegirl.com Even my friends who aren't GF cook from it because it's so good. She also has a cookbook out I believe.
One tip which took me far too long to figure out is if you want to go to a restaurant with friends, call around. Haha, too many nights spent reading menus at the door only to find everything is breaded. There is no harm in calling ahead and finding out if a) they have gf options, or b) if they even have a gf menu (that's become a thing and its fabulous!).
Hey! Just came across this- my husband (type 1) and nine year old daughter (non-diabetic) are gluten intolerant. I JUST found Amazon has a gluten free section and it has these "care packages" and all your favorite items you can buy in bulk. I can't give you any reviews on it personally, going to try it this week but it looks like a great combo of all the things they snack on all week. Check it out. I am going to actually order a package to be shipped to my husbands hotel when he travels the end of May. It should alleviate him having to try to "find" Gluten Free snacks in Vegas and hopefully help keep his blood sugars stable.
Parent to teenage daughter with celiac and Type 1 (3y dx). Tried all kinds of bread and pretty much nothing that could be ate un-toasted. Then found Artisan Bread in Five and it was wonderful. A bit of work involved but make a few loaves at a time and freeze. Can readily be ate untoasted - actually, doesn’t toast so good. But the taste and texture is the best I’ve ever seen (bought or made). And Zoë and Jeff very generously have posted the recipe to their site - the book is also excellent.
I’ve also gathered some recipes that we find work well - sligosweetspot.blogspot.com. The pizza recipe is also excellent.
Hi I have both. What I recommend is read everything get as much info as you can. Some products I like is Udi’s the bread is good and chex has really good cereal. It’s tuff at first but it gets easier.