
If you live in California and want to find others that live in your area this is the place!

One for sure in So Cal, LOL.  Add to my friends all you CA people.

I'm 45 minutes north of San Francisco!

I'm 16 and I live in Ventura, CA!

Looking for fellow teens that live close by! =)

If you are around 5 years old and want to play sometime you can contact us.  We are on the Central Coast of California.

East San Diego County any one?

I'm in the Bay Area, just 20 mins. south of downtown San Francisco.  I live near the beach in Pacifica!  I often go to Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, and occasionally I will go down to Fremont or Milpitas.  I sometimes take trips to San Rafael, Napa, and So Cal.  So if you want to meet for a cup of coffee or a beer, I'm down.  If you want to surf or whale watch, I'm down for that too.  ;o)

I also venture out to Santa Cruz, Monterey, and Half Moon Bay.

I live in SoCal :) I would love meeting more people who are my age...I need people to talk to, help me through this. thanksss.

I live in the SF Bay Area. Is anyone else here located in or near this area? If you are, I want to let you all know that I have just started a new support group for people with Type 1 diabetes.  I am a Type 1 myself and have had it for about 11 years now.  I have searched for support groups for Type 1s in my area, and was unsuccessful in finding very many.  As a result of this, I have formed a new support group for Type 1s in the SF Bay Area, Union City. 

The group is called G.A.T.E., for Gastroparesis And Type 1 diabetes Exchange.  It if for people with either Type 1 diabetes or Gastroparesis seperately (and you don't need to have both to join).  It is a support & activities group in which members can meet and interact with others with similar conditions for discussions, questions, to share experiences/information, vent, and to just connect with people going through the same things as you.  We will also have guest speakers periodically for condition-related topics.

This group will meet monthly on the third Sunday of each month in Union City (East Bay).  In fact, our first G.A.T.E. meeting will be held tomorrow from 2-4pm.  Our next meeting will be Sunday, June 21 at the same place. 

Full details and more information can be found on the group website.  You can also join as a member there to receive updates and details about upcoming group meetings.

G.A.T.E. Website:

I hope you will consider joining us for an upcoming meeting!



G.A.T.E. Organizer/Founder

Hi there,

I saw that you are also a SF Bay Area local like me with Type 1 diabtetes.  I wanted to let you know about a Type 1 support group that I have recently started.  It is called G.A.T.E. , for Gastroparesis And Type 1 diabetes Exchange.  It is for people with either

Type 1 diabetes or Gastroparesis seperately (so you don't need to have both to join). 

Members of the group will have an opportunity to meet others with similar conditions to interact, have discussions, ask questions, share experiences, and vent frustrations. We will also have guest speakers periodically to discuss condition-related topics of interest.

The group meet monthly on the third Sunday of the month.  In fact, our first group meeting will be tomorrow Sunday, May 17th from 2-4pm in Union City (East Bay area).  We would be happy to have you join us, but if you are unable to make it, our next group meeting will be on Sunday, June 21st at the same place (Union City).  Full details can be found on the group website: 

G.A.T.E. website:


From there you can get more information and also join the group if you are interested. 




G.A.T.E. Organizer/Founder

hii im not sure if im doing this right...but i live in orange county!

hi! I am 14 (almost 15, my b-day is in 9 days!)and I live in the central coast area of california.

Thx for throwing this out there Gina - great idea.  I, like others, have been looking to meet people in the area. 

I'm in So Cal too - Marina del Rey.  I'd love to start meeting people in the area.  Add me as a friend if you see me! 

Hi ScrappyDy,

I'm also in the SF Bay Area, in Union City (between Fremont and Hayward).  I organize a Type 1 support & activities group and would like to meet other Type 1s near my area.  If you would like to meet for coffee or just chat a bit by email or phone that would be great.  You can also get more info. about the Type 1 support group by visiting the website:



We live in Santa Rosa, it is about 45 minutes north of San Francisco in the beautiful wine country.  My daughter is 11 and would love to meet people that have type 1.  So please contact us!


Hi Kathy,

I used to go to school near that area, Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park.  I would visit Santa Rosa from time to time while living there as well.  I now reside in Union City, in the SF East Bay Area. 


I live in orange county too!

I live in California! Woo!

I Live In Orange County Like around moorpark Camarillo And Simi Valley