I’ve just celebrated my 52nd anniversary of my T1 diagnosis and recently received a breast cancer dx. It’s a small (1.3 cm) ductal carcinoma tumor, Est & Prog positive, Her 2 neu negative. Mildly aggressive, slow growing. My lumpectomy and lymph node-ectomy is later this month, followed by radiation, and of course I have to wait for the lymph node pathology before I know what my cancer treatment regimen will be.
Any of you sisters out there have advice for control of glucose and A1C on cancer drugs? Any advice is welcomed!
I had the exact same diagnosis 8 years ago and had no problem with the surgery or radiation. I did have negative side effects from the 2 drugs they tried after radiation - Tamoxifen and an aromatase inhibitor so I had to discontinue both. I understand that there are some new drugs now but I don’t have any info on those. I would expect that you won’t have any major problems. I had no major issues with blood sugar control during any of the treatments.
I was cancer free for 7 years and in July 2016 I discovered a lump in my underarm. This time I went through chemo; multiple scans to be sure the cancer had not spread, surgery and now radiation. I am still being treated and feel like I have been in a nightmare. Blood sugar issues have been many because of some of the chemo drugs and now the radiation is causing my blood sugar to go high and stay high. And it’s unpredictable.
Good luck. Hope things go as well for you as what I experienced first time around.
Thank you for your encouraging words! I have undergone my lumpectomy and the tumor was rated as a 1a or very small. I’ve just begun my radiation treatments and my most current A1c was 6.4, so overall, I’d say I’m doing OK. I wish your mom continued success as well!
Jozrf @Drowies, autoimmune diabetes, currently referred to as TypeOne generally is not a condition that comes on, or is developed, from something else - although it has been acknowledged for over a half century that TypeOne has been triggered by a virus or trauma.
Has your doctor determined if your body os producing c-Peptide or if you have particular factors?
Hi Nancy @nannimae, I’ve had lumpectomy and what was described as “simple mastectomy” in 1975 [yes I AM male] and currently I’m being treated with a designer chemo drug, Avastin.
I don’t appear to have adverse glucose management conditions with the Avastin and the 1975 procedure was long before digital glucose meters.
i have breast cancer had a mastectomy done and have diabetes type 1. I don’t have any side effects except that I don’t like needles. I take a pill for the cancer everyday.
I had breast cancer in 2010, had a lump ectomy, and then bilateral mastectomy and fortunately did not have to have radiation after that. Estrogen progesterone positive and did not need follow up treatment. I know that chemo drugs will raise your blood sugar‘s and the only advice I can give is to stay on top of it constantly to try to keep them down and get ahead of them . I wish you the very best through your treatment and through your recovery! God bless