Bedtime Blood Sugar

Our Dr. recommends our daughter’s blood sugar being at 100 or above at bedtime. One hundred makes me very uncomfortable. At what number do you all feel comfortable with for bedtime? And if it isn’t quite high enough what have you found to be the best thing to give to raise it just enough?

Thank you!

Our daughter is 6 and has had a pump for almost 5 months. I am most comfortable when she is around 160
at bedtime. If she drops, it’s high enough that when I check again in three hours it won’t be too low, and if it’s going up, it typically won’t get crazy high in three hours. Some nights it stays nice and stable through the night, other nights it bounces around. In a nutshell, at 160 I feel comfortable sleeping for three- four hours before testing. Her docs said putting her to bed at 200 is fine, but that seems too high for our comfort level.

My son’s doctor says I should that 70-100 is the target at bedtime, but I am not comfortable with that at all. Too often, I have gone in to check him when I go to bed and he is low. I am more comfortable around 150. If he needs a snack at bedtime, I usually give him a protein bar or a Greek yogurt.

Ps. If she’s not quite high enough, I like to give her part of a frozen squeezy yogurt. It’s a nice treat for her without being junk, the fat helps hold her number, and it’s easy to give just the “right” ( guess) amount of carbs to get her where she should be at bedtime.

My hubby is a T1 diagnosed in January of 79. Good control with last A1c of 6.7. No pump and takes a split of Lantus and boluses of Humalog. His endocrinologist says a target bedtime BS of 140. I stay a nervous wreck and we are approaching 29 years of marriage in

T1 for 42 years - never below 150 when I go to bed.

I do use a pump with a sensor, but even with a steady basal rate overnight, my body just acks differntly every day.

To get it where i want it I usually eat Whole grain sprouted bread with come cheese to slow the rise, or an apple. I think as a kid i would drink a glass of milk, but today I will not drink anything except organic milk. And i only use organic bread.

I think 100 is asking for a problem. You really have to remember that the doctor is a resource - you are in control.

Thank you all for the responses. We are still so new at this and we are so afraid of doing something that will harm her. I feel much better now about intentionally raising her blood sugar a little at bedtime.

It’s a really personal decision. Better to err on the side of being a little high. When I did shots I wouldn’t go to sleep with a blood sugar below 160. Especially with a child since they are so sensitive to insulin.

With a pump I’m okay at anything between 90-100 and usually wake up with a blood sugar within 5 points of what it was when I went to bed. Pumps are awesome.

Personally, I usually have a very trusting relationship with my sensor. So I shoot for the same target at night as any other time (105 currently). I count on the sensor to wake me up if and when I need to act (treat a high or low), which it does quite often such as if I messed up the carb counting for dinner. I keep the sensor’s low alert level quite tight, at 80.

I’m still pretty new to this too. My endocrinologist really didn’t discuss a good bedtime target. I’ve been just checking my sugars, recording it, taking a snack, and my Lantus (25 units) I feel like my body may be in the “honeymoon” phase because I’m generally in the low 70’s – 100. 70’s my body doesn’t like. So I have been considering that low for me. (I begin shaking and feeling miserable) I REALLY don’t like being close to low 70. But it sounds like maybe from others are say, anything below 100 (at least) would be too low and to “risky”?