Hi, I’m new to the site but I have been T1D since just before 2 yrs old and I just turned 27. I’ve been married for almost two years and as a natural progression my wife and I have started talking about starting a family. Since I have lived with T1 for my entire life I am nervous about passing it on to our children. Guys/wives of diabetics that could give me some info? I appreciate it!
Hi, I’m new to this site as well. As far as I know of, T1DM has very limited genetic correlation than Type 2 to pass on to next generation. It is considered an autoimmune disease, in another words, no one knows what exactly went wrong and what caused our immune system to attack our islet beta cells. I understand the concerns, please make sure you consult your doctors to confirm my information.
Hi @kfowle18,
As Brenda has said, genetics may not [necessarily] be a factor for your Type One diabetes. Although a possibility does exist that something in your body’s “inheritance” may have bee passed to you from an ancestor. A relatively few people with T1D have a first-degree relative who also has type one.
On July 4th I’ll slide into my 60th year since diagnosis; I have children and grandchildren none of whom show any signs of developing diabetes including a 19 year old granddaughter who was a 22 week preemie born without an immune system of her own. In a way, your children will have an advantage over other kids who are hit with T1; you will be more attuned to watch for symptoms and your children will be relatively comfortable about living productive lives with diabetes and they will be knowledgeable in treatment.
Go for it - be a good parent and love the joy they will bring you.
I am the only child of two type 1 parents that was diagnosed at 1.5 years old. I am married to a non-diabetic and our only son is just over a year old. So far, he is not showing any signs of diabetes or any health issues in general. However, even if your child(ren) are eventually diagnosed with diabetes–so what? Even if it is a huge pain in the ass, it’s completely possible to manage it and live a normal life with diabetes. Everyone on this site is doing it every day. Do you honestly think that, despite their health status, years from now as that child grows up, graduates, gets married, etc. that you will look back and think you made a terrible mistake because they are diabetic? I highly doubt it. They will be a person with diabetes, not a diabetic so to speak. Diabetes would only be one aspect of their complex life (if it happens at all). Go for it.