Atlanta area

Our 3 year old daughter was diagnosed in April of this year. As you all have experienced, it was quite a shock and life-changing diagnosis. We had our second child 1 month after her diagnosis, so the past few months have been very busy! All that to say, I would love to connect with parents of other type 1 kids near her age in our area. Any advice or how to connect would be helpful. We would love to meet (girls if possible) around ages 3-6ish.
On another note, I love hearing from others who were diagnosed young and are success stories. We are trying to stay positive! :slight_smile: thanks!

hi @Aehrhart sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis. Hope you are able to make a connection with other parents. One thing you could try is the JDRF local offices. You can find the JDRF office location closest to you by clicking here and putting in your zip code.

There are a lot of us here diagnosed at a young age. I was a teen at diagnosis, I’ll be having my 50th birthday this year and after a while t1 becomes a bit more routine. I don’t know if I am a success story, but I think I did okay so far =)

hang in there, you can do it. we can help.

Thanks for your reply, Joe! I just called the GA chapter and left a voicemail with their outreach coordinator. I hope we can connect, so she can know she’s not alone. I also appreciated hearing your story. Glad to hear you are doing well. Just keep fighting until they find a cure! :slight_smile:

thank you @Aehrhart, I will keep my head on straight, and do what I can to help - it’s different than fighting because after 30 something years, I am too exhausted to fight anymore, in fact I wrote a little about that subject in a blog here

take care! if you have questions for the group, then ask - there is a lot of experience here.

Wow, thanks for sharing the link to your blog. I had to laugh at the zombie metaphor. Nice. Pretty cool to read your story, and I like how you have made your own mark in the medical field. I look forward to seeing what my little girl will do. We wonder if she will somehow connect herself to medicine in some fashion. Time will tell.