I have absolutely no problem doing it in front of people. It is not like I am injecting meth or something.... just a little ole drug that keeps me living :) I really don't care what other people think, I gotta do what I gotta do haha
Before i had the pump i would just inject in the bathroom, or sometimes under the table on my thigh. As for testing usually i do it uner the table, but if its a little difficult i will take the ime to go to the bathroom.
While on an airplane i just injected right there, the bathrooms are really small, and at that time my mom did all of my injections so it was easier to just do it right there!
Going to the bathroom to take medicine is like going to the bathroom to eat.
The same goes for forcing women to breastfeed in a bathroom.
honestly, i never let diabetes stop me.
i check my sugar in the middle of the mall when i feel funny, and pull my insulin pump out of my shirt if im wearing a dress anywhere, anytime.
you shouldnt worry about what people think.
its your diabetes, not theres.
dont let diabetes stop you from taking care of it in public.
if people stare, stare back thats what i always do =)
when I was on shots I would just inject no matter where I was. the only time I was ever conscious about what other people thought is when I was at the dining hall/pub at my college, cause I would just pull my shirt up and give my shot in the stomach...and I just always wondered if anyone saw me doing it and what they thought haha.
I test when ever i feel off no matter where i am. Ive had a few kids and adults ask why i was and i explained. It dosnt bug me to test in public at all.
The only time i ever hid that im takeing my insulin is at huge dinner partys with people i dont realy know. But otherwise ill take my insulin without a second though i dont like doing it in bathrooms at all i get werder looks from people in them then at tables or on benches.
[quote user="Keith221"]
I do in public.
I don't do in public. It's just my preference not to. For a few reasons.
1. It's nobody else's business but mine.
2. I want to be treated like everyone else. If people judge me or treat me differently because I test or shoot up in public, I'm kindof shooting myself in the foot. There are a lot of ignorant people out there who will pre judge you and snicker behind your back and so on. Who needs it? I'm not thinking of random people here, but co workers or people I might want to interview for a job with someday.
3. Since I do know that anyone who isn't a diabetic or who doesn't have to give themselves shots are creeped out by needles, I find it more considerate and kind to not do it in front of them. I know it would have creeped me out before I was diagnosed.
4. I think it's kindof unsanitary to test my blood in places where people eat. I wouldn't want to eat at a table after someone got blood on it. I know this doesn't usually happen when testing, but it can.
I've been doing it in private for 32 years. When I was first diagnosed it was not as prevalent or as known about as it is now. This no doubt plays into my thinking on this. But I see no reason to change.
I can understand the other side too, but I choose to go about it in private.
My daughter is only 10, and we do it wherever we need to. I do try to keep it reasonably discreet, but we test and administer insulin wherever we happen to be. I am definitely not going to go into a dirty bathroom and share a stall with her or something. Yuck!
I keep cut cotton swabs in her kit to dab the blood, and she keeps a ziploc bag in her purse to stow trash. We've never had anyone comment, though I'm sure someone eventually will.
I think it's important that she is comfortable with her lifestyle and doesn't feel like it needs to be in private. I'd be worried she might avoid testing or administering her insulin when I'm not around if she was self conscious about it.
[quote user="DDrumminMan"]
[quote user="Keith221"]
I do in public.
I don't do in public. It's just my preference not to. For a few reasons.
1. It's nobody else's business but mine.
2. I want to be treated like everyone else. If people judge me or treat me differently because I test or shoot up in public, I'm kindof shooting myself in the foot. There are a lot of ignorant people out there who will pre judge you and snicker behind your back and so on. Who needs it? I'm not thinking of random people here, but co workers or people I might want to interview for a job with someday.
3. Since I do know that anyone who isn't a diabetic or who doesn't have to give themselves shots are creeped out by needles, I find it more considerate and kind to not do it in front of them. I know it would have creeped me out before I was diagnosed.
4. I think it's kindof unsanitary to test my blood in places where people eat. I wouldn't want to eat at a table after someone got blood on it. I know this doesn't usually happen when testing, but it can.
I've been doing it in private for 32 years. When I was first diagnosed it was not as prevalent or as known about as it is now. This no doubt plays into my thinking on this. But I see no reason to change.
I can understand the other side too, but I choose to go about it in private.
After reading all these posts I was beginning to think I was the odd ball but I agree with you 100%.
Public! I dont want Ri growing up thinking its something she should be ashamed of. Now we dont make a big production of it but I dont hide it either. If she is testing at a restaurant I have her do it below table level tho cause well blood and food can make some squeamish (her brothers but only when there is food around). In walmart she tests as we walk in the open no biggy. Injections if she needs it she needs it gets it where we are at. Nobody has said anything yet but with my hubby sitting at the table I doubt anyone would.
When I used to be on injections I didn't make it obvious but I certainly didn't concern myself with trying too hard to hide myself. I am glad that I am not the only one to ask to use the first aid trailers instead of getting into the nasty port-o-pottys. And to be honest I still do that even though I'm on a pump just so I don't have to use them. Sometimes I feel really guilty and sometimes not so much.
[quote user="Karen"]
Sometimes I feel really guilty and sometimes not so much.
[/quote]haha. that made me laugh :o)
I encourage my son to use the restroom, however, if its a nasty restroom, he'll just do it at the table. He's stuck on doing it on his arm, so there really isn't a "discreet" way to do this. We've had lots of stares, but I just remind him to smile and be proud of who he is.