ADA Tour de Cure yesterday and JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes today

Yesterday, June 5, 2010, the Buffalo, NY American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure bike ride was held.  It started and ended at a local community college.  I got there about 6:55 am and registered.  I was riding the 100 km distance.  We started at 7:30.  For the first half of the route, the riders (about 75 doing the same distance) and I were going with the wind, along Lake Ontario.  Eventually we made another right and headed back, against the wind.  There was only 1 long hill but the wind was brutal coming back.  I had caught a group of 5 other riders and I rode with them for 35+ miles.  It was really fun.  My team and I raised about $1000. 

Today, was the JDRF Walk.  It was nice, but I didn't know anyone there.  Also, it was about 25 degrees cooler than yesterday and rainy.  I did not collect pledges but made a significant donation myself.

Quite the type 1 diabetes weekend!