I have been in Auto Mode for about 4 months now. It has drastically improved my HbA1C, and I am liking the way it’s working. Interested to hear feedback from other 670G Auto Mode Users!
I just started with my 670G and am in the 2week calibration period. I’m hoping to get better control of my blood sugars.
I will keep you up to date when I can.
I’m sure you’ll love auto mode!
Let me know how it goes!
Hello, I have been using auto mode for about 6 months now. At first I was a bit unsure if I would like it…not having access to dual wave bolus has taken some getting used to. All in all my control has been tight, I am “in the normal range” about 80% if the time. My last A1C was 6.6, I was using auto mode for maybe 3 weeks at that time, I will go for another A1C in February.
I am still not sure how to handle a meal such as pasta or pizza (high complex carb, fat and protein). I would have used a 3 hour dual wave bolus in the past, now I tend to lower the carb amount that is input into the bolus wizard, test every couple of hours and bolus if necessary to avoid a high.
That’s a really good point. I used to use the dual/square wave for things like pizza or something with a higher fat content. I meeting with my mini med rep/CDE next week and will ask what their direction is for those things. I miss those features as well.
I just emailed back-and-forth with my bed Tronic rep/CDE. She did say it is a game of trial and error based upon what works for each individual person. But, here is some advice:
“There are a variety of ways people are handling this:
-Bolus only what you would have bloused up front in a dual wave and let autobasal handle the balance
-bolus all up front and monitor that you don’t go low afterwards
-bolus some/all up front and then take a correction if needed 1.5-2 hours later.”
Hi Patrick, thanks for sending me this information, I appreciate it.
I like the 1st and 3rd options your mini med rep suggested.
I was never hooked up with a rep so I have been banging through this on my own…it is helpful to have a forum of folks going through the same thing. Thanks again.
Rich Augugliaro
Ignore all of my spelling errors. Apparently I was using speech to text and never double checked. There is a medtronic diabetes educator that works with my endocrinologist. That may be why I have that situation going. I can tell you from past experience that Medtronic should be able to hook you up with a local diabetes educator that knows the system inside and out. Typically it would be the same person that did the training you had to go through.
I also know that if you download the app to your phone for 670 G users you can get similar advice from the clinicians.
Patrick @BKDesign & Rich @RAugugliaro ,
I haven’t moved yet to the 670G, but isn’t / aren’t the three suggestions which you made above exactly what the pump is designed to do? I’ve read up on the pump, followed its development and last month I met with two Medtronic representatives who explained features in detail.
I’d like to move to the 670 as it would fit me perfectly but I’d have to buy it out of my pocked because of medieval thinkers who operate Medicare. I hope your new 670G’s work as well for you as they do for a couple of people I’ve met.
Absolutely correct. The auto mode negates the need for the old bolus features. In my personal experience, having been a pump user for almost 18 years, Diabetic for 36, it’s an “old dog, new trick” scenario. Lol.
The 3 suggestions are how to navigate the old “dual/square bolus” utilizing the new features. Each person is different, based on how their body processes high fat/protein foods and the associated delay in carbohydrate processing.
So far, it’s excellent. My A1C is down, spikes are minimized, and lows are pretty much non-existent.
Hi Dennis, I have been using the 670 since July, roughly 5 months…you are right, the auto mode actually does a nice job of tracking your BG levels and then adjusting your basal rates to help keep you in-range. The lack of having a dual-wave option during the first few months perplexed me, but the pump does tend to adjust enough to minimize spikes. It simply was not intuitive when I switched over. I also did not have access to a mini med rep or any training aside from the manual (I must have fell through the cracks). But all in, this pump is the best I have had in terms of helping the user to stay in range.
The fact that Medicare does not cover CGM Pumps is a crime given the factual benefits associated with using them.
Rich Augugliaro
Thanks Rich and Patrick,
I can see where both of you are with your pumps - and may I add, “learning to trust” that the pump will do what it is designed to do. Now that I’ve been using the same technology for over a dozen years [currently Medtronic Revel #523[ I accept what it does but wish it would do more.
Just a year ago Medicare promised yo cover Dexcon G5 CGM but it took many months for Dexcom to make Medicare required changes to software so that the G5 can only be read by a specific, durable receiver. I really didn’t run into management problems of “unawareness” until after 55 years with T1 - I suppose Medicare will wake up if it receives a few more hospital bills for $59K.
Hi…my amateurish assessment is that when BG is high, the opposition factor (the measure of BGs diminished by 1 unit of insulin) becomes lower which isn’t represented in the Medtronic algarithm. I won’t be in auto mode until one week from now, yet I would test doing an extra manual bolus of a couple of units when my BGs are more than 200.