2010: My Diabetes New Year's Resolution

The beginning of each year is a good time to look back on the past year's successes (and shortcomings) and resolve to make it better. In 2010 as a parent of a child with Type 1 diabetes, I'm making this my #1 resolution: Listen more to my daughter.

After all, now that she's a teen, she is more in touch with her own disease now than when her mom and I were trying to guide her through good control as a young girl.

What's your 2010 diabetes New Year's resolution?

(Resolution #1-1/2: Also I'm resolving to keep my diabetes blog even more updated in 2010. Thanks to all of you who have supported me and encouraged me to keep it going. Thanks for reading)




Red,I think I beat you to the draw on this-I did a post on New Year's Resolutions too,ha !!! But I do like adding on to my list so......my next resolution will be try and forgive myself for any shortcomings.I have found it much easier to forgive others--sometimes we are all too hard on ourselves. :)

Red,I think I have read every single thing you ever wrote in your blog....The one thing I copied by hand and still take out and read from time to time was--Blue Genes----it is about guilt for those who have never read it.It points me in the right direction  !

My resolution is to balance out my exercise better. I have been slacking lately and it kills me. Since my last doctors appointment I have lost 2 of the 8 pounds I had gained. While not really a big thing, I just want to have be able to keep weight of now and establish a more routine exercise routine. I get lazy sometimes and need to not make excuses and flake out on this matter.

My DIABETES resolution is to write in his log book every night. I got myself in a real bad habbit of skipping a night or two, or three and then I have to try to remember certain events, activities, etc. from days before.