12 Year old Daughter playing volleyball

I am looking for examples of how you all manage your child’s sugars while they are playing sports. She is on the Onnipod Pump and also has the Dexcom Sensor. Please be specific about the percentages you use when adjusting basal rates, amount of carbs given before and during exercise, and target blood sugars. I feel like we have not been able to come up with anything that is consistent each time before practice and games and it is frustrating! I am afraid it is not an exact science…

@Robinson915, I know I’m a little late but hopefully this helps: a diabetic athlete can be tricky. I should know, I’ve been one for a long time. I played baseball & football from little league through high school and football for my college team. I’m now 28 still playing competitive baseball for a men’s league in my area. Take specific notes to some situations that you have experienced (what she eats throughout the day, activity level the day of - when I was little and would have a baskebtall game in the late afternoon/night, if I was laying around the house for most of the day then went out and played, I was likely to drop quickly throughout the game). Stress levels and sleep have sometimes affected my blood sugars too. So if she has a big test/project coming up, or if she isn’t sleeping well because of said school work, make note of that. Take these notes to your doctor, they are there to help and should have some suggestions on what to do. Unfortunately, every diabetic is different when it comes down to the finer details of our management. With your doctor’s help (it may take some time to fine-tune) it should become much easier to manage your daughter’s sugars throughout her practices/competitions.

Hope this helps!

Hello! I know this is late, but I have some insight that I think could be very beneficial for you and your daughter! I have had T1D for 14 years now ( I am 21) and I am a personal trainer, a crossfit competitor, and also a T1D. I am also graduating with my degree in Kinesiology and I am also a nutrition coach!
First, lets talk insulin levels. I would recommend setting a temporary basil rate of half the amount of insulin she would be receiving during the time of activity. Play with this some, this varies per person. Have her check her blood sugar every 30 min during the activity she is participating in. I experimented with this by going for an hour long walk/jog and tested along the way to determine my correct dosage levels (half the dosage works well for me)
In addition to this is food intakes. Alot of this is dependent on what her food/insulin dosage ratios are. Mine personally are 7.5. So I take my grams of carbs eaten (ex: 30g) and divided it by 7.5 (ex: 30/7.5=) in order to determine the amount of insulin I would give myself. (ex: this would come out to be 4.0 u of insulin) When I am going to be participating in a strenuous activity, before I go workout, I intake a larger amount (20g+) of carbs along with a good amount of protein (20g+) and a smaller amount of fat (-10g). The carbs cause an instant spike of blood sugars while the protein and fat sustain the blood sugars and keep them level for a longer amount of time. I normally dose a little less insulin before I go into a very strenuous activity. (reduce my dosage by raising my ratio to 8 instead of 7.5) this causes the unit amount to reduce.

Unfortunately, every diabetic is different. It takes experimentation to determine what to do per person. I would love to discuss this more with you if you do need help/guidance. Feel free to reach out to me personally: mffitnesss@gmail.com
I LOVE working with T1D :slight_smile:

If you haven’t found the help you are looking for or if you are like me and love reading about exercise and T1D, I highly recommend reading “Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise: Using the Insulin Pump to Maximum Advantage” by Bruce A. Perkins and Michael C. Riddell. It is a very well-written journal article explaining their system of basal rate reductions with carbohydrate supplementation. They are experts on exercise and type 1 diabetes (and Dr. Riddell is an athlete with T1D so he has the personal experience). They also have a website.

Thank you for your reply!!

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