HAHAHA i've got a good one. not exactly a shot, i have a pump, but i was climbing a rock wall both BLINDFOLDED and with these carboard TUBES around my arms (so that i couldnt bend my elbows). but my pump fell outta my pocket in the middle of the wall, and i had 2 take the tube outta one arm, hold it down with my body, not take off the blindfold, and slowly put my pump back into my pocket, wile hanging on 2 the wall. now THAT was funny
mine would have to be... in the middle of my uncle's wedding. That was after eating 3 rolls, two servings of mashed potatoes, then being surprised by my uncle and grandfather who called me up to do the blessing over the wine, which involves saying a prayer in Hebrew then drinking some wine, which was incredibly dry.. Im Jewish, just to clear the wine thing up.
no way! i'm jewish too! well, a lotta ppl are but hey, its nice to have another jewish diabetic around town (: everytime i end up taking sooo much insulin on Challah (so people who dont know what that is, its basically a bread that jewish people eat, especially at religious events... and if you do know but ur not jewish, dnt b offended. i know a lot of people who dont know wut tht is so thts y)
challah is really high carb, but what kills me is the honey!
OMG u like challah and honey 2???????? its the best!!!! though my brothers wont agree. eh, o well. in those cases, i say the treat is soo worth it (: sorry to all for all the notifications!!!!!!
Ummm I've been in line for the security check point for the airport and I was like 500 so I had to just do it right there and then all of the people in line like freaked out and reported me and my parents to the security people. It was really embarrassing because they thought I was like a security threat or something.
I had to take mine while my entire school was watching because I was doing a demonstration. They thought I was imo
top 3 weirdest: movie theater, play theater, and at the beach :)
Weirdest place.... on a date at the movies....always get a large soda <great excuse to go to the restroom> - The Poet
At prom in the lobby of the convention center through the corset of my dress with my date holding my hair..
Tthrough your corset? Was it hard?
haha that is great! How did you get it through the corset though??
When a plane was landing in NJ and I had to give it because I was high, but there was a creepy old guy asleep next to me....funnn stuff.....