My son was diagnosed 1 month ago and wanted to know when he can safely go on a CGM? Thanks.
Not sure what you mean by “safely.” Caretakers of children as young as two years old are using Dexcom G6 . You might think about this question: “Can we use CGM data to better manage the diabetes?”
Get him on it right away if he’s willing. It will make your life so much easier and you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Our endo offered to subscribe during my daughters first office visit after diagnosis, so probably one month or less in, and we didn’t take her up on it, but really just because we didn’t understand. We started it about 3.5 months in, and couldn’t believe we didn’t start sooner. And, if an endo tells you you have to wait, get a different endo. Same on a pump, if he wants to go on a pump. Dexcom G6 is awesome. Many would call it life altering. Sure helps you sleep better at night.
You didn’t say how old your son is and things might be different for kids - especially small ones - but I was in my early 50s when I got my first CGM several years ago, and my insurance required proof of medical necessity. That may have changed by now, I don’t know.
I’ve been on insulin since 1963 and was starting to have episodes of hypoglycemic unawareness so I was covered. I love my Dexcom and if I’m not using it for some reason I feel naked without it. But I try to remember that I went nearly 50 years without one and knew my body’s signals while I could rely on them.
I would add, IMHO it’s important to learn to recognize the early signs of low blood sugar (as well as high) even if you do have A CGM. If - heaven forbid - there’s a delay getting supplies and you run out; or perhaps you’re going to be hospitalized and getting radiation procedures (x-rays, MRIs, etc.) over the space of a few days - yes, you will use your regular meter but it’s helpful to identify and recognize your own feelings. I can recall a time way back in 3rd grade when I told my teacher I “felt funny” - back then we didn’t even have BG meters so we were really flying blind. By the time I was 8 years old - probably sooner - I had learned what to look for. Make sure he learns that too when the time is right.
If you can get him on the Dexcom G6, do it! I love my G6 - and no finger sticks. It’s been a long time since I was diagnosed, but I could only imagine how useful this tool would be as you get used to his diabetes.
My 14 year old son was diagnosed in August 2018 and we got him on the Dexcom G6 by mid-September. It has been wonderful for us. I would say go ahead and try it!
My 10 yo daughter was dx’d 5 months ago. She had no problem with injections from the start (except for Lantus stinging, so we switched basal) but found 4-6 finger pricks a day very painful. She was on Medicaid at dx and it didn’t cover G6 at the time in our state. We went out of pocket and bought the Freestyle Libre system 2 weeks after dx—up front cost about $200 and $75/month for sensors. Best decision ever. Our insurance changed in January and we were able to transition her to the G6 last month. We love it even more. Long way of saying there is no “too soon” for a cgm if it helps with your child’s comfort and with your ability to manage T1D—and it most likely will.
My 10 year old son was diagnosed at the end of July 2018 and he was on the G6 in October 2018. Then he got the Omnipod in December of 2018.
You haven’t specified age or other details regarding his capabilities, but generally speaking, I’d encourage you to get your son to use a CGM. That being said, you really should consult with your son’s endocrinologist rather than just throw the question out to a lay audience, albeit one that’s generally well intentioned.
As far as I am concerned, it was the best decision I ever made! Getting on the cgm was simply the best way for me to see what’s happening to me! The share app if you use Dexcom is fantastic. It allows someone else to see what’s happening as you see it. Those advantages alone are worth the cost!
I’d say that if you get on it as soon as it’s possible, the more you can be proactive with sugar control. This disease is not good with being reactive! The sooner you know what’s going on the better off you will be. It’s a concrete way to “see” what you are feeling. It’s not 100% accurate at all times, but the trends are pretty close, even if the numbers are off. As time goes by you will learn your standard deviation and at least have a clue to what’s happening.
You didn’t say how old your son is, but it can give you insight to his behaviors. That’s a big time improvement over wondering what the heck is got into that kid!
Again I say as soon as they will let you!
Good luck
CGMs make life SO much easier. You get alerts when they are going low, even alerts when they are high, you can track their carbs in there as well as how much insulin you give (depending on the CGM) It will greatly make things for you easier about monitoring it