So the past two days I’ve gone significantly low and my body seems extremely reactive to the lows which isn’t always the case.
Example: when’s it just dropping and at say 65, I immediately know what’s happening because my body and brain begin feeling the low when really I’m not even that low.
When it continues to drop say into the low 50’s, my lips get tingly, eyes get spotty etc. the lips and eyes get better when my sugar stabilizes but I’ve had some residual feels of weirdness in my hands and lowers arms which I’ve never felt before and goes away when sugar is back up. The hands and arms are new to me. Why is my body feeling hyper reactive to lows? My sugar control is good for the most part but these past two lows are really taking a lot out of me. Any experience or ideas as to what is happening? Thanks in advance.
Hi @Mlp1124 and welcome to the forum. In my nearly 60 years with Type 1 I have found that some of my symptoms have changed or gone away while I’ve kept others for as long as I can remember. For instance, I used to get a very odd feeling under my lower lip which I could best describe as numbness, but I don’t get that any more. Sometimes our bodies just start doing things differently apparently of their own accord.
The nature of your sensations - particularly the feeling that you are lower than you actually are - may be your body’s way of warning you to check some things such as your basal rate/s and carb ratios. And even if you felt fine at 65 in the past (wow!) you might talk with your doctor about raising your numbers a bit. I’m no doctor but 65 leaves some wiggle room to work with and sometimes our body’s needs simply change.
I hope you find some answers - keep us posted.
Hi, I agree with Dorie in the fact that your body is constantly changing with age and symptoms of a low may change over years of having T1D. I used to get spots in my eyes or blurred vision and paleness for a period of years along with seizures when below 20 and EMS had administered D50 to bring me back, but now that’s been traded for soaking sweats, weakness, and severe tiredness. Then after the BGL’s come up to over 100, I start shaking and go through shivering spells. Then some lows can have some of the new and old symptoms combined depending if I go below 50. When 65 to 60 I don’t usually feel much, but as it continues to drop the symptoms start showing. It’s not a fun ride, and as I keep saying; I want a refund.
Hi @rs3880 - it’s scary stuff and I’ll join you in that request fur a refund. Do you use a CGM? You could set alerts to let you know when you hit 100 - or to let you know when you are dropping (I think that applies regardless of reading). And if you have a pump with a closed loop system it can reduce them. How well depends on having his background settings and inputting correct carb counts and other “manual manipulations,” so you may still get some lows but hopefully fewer and less frequent ones.
You may already know this so apologies if I’m “preaching to the choir”.
Hi Dorie, thank you for your advise. It still is nice to hear peoples ideas even being part of the choir. I finally won the year long battle to get my first CGM 1 month ago. It’s saved me from the terrors of lows during sleeping already at least 15 times. I’m old school and take injections from syringes.
Congratulations on getting your CGM! I know I have great place of mind. Nothing wrong with injections of they work for you - I have pens as backup just in case.
I read recently about a device coming out that works with a Freestyle CGM and insulin pens - as I understand it, the CGM receive is a special cap that goes on the pen to help determine dosage. Sounds really cool! Here’s some info if you would like to check it out.
Gee wiz Michelle @Mlp1124 I wish I ad your “problem” with being really sensitive when my BGL is dropping or going low. Strange thing is, I had what EMS Medics said was blood sugar of 11 mg/dl and 9 mg/dl and I hadn’t noticed “the low” until I passed out and someone had to call 911 - yes, severe unawareness.
That aside, during my seven decades living with diabetes and injecting/infusing insulin, I have experienced each of the symptoms and feelings that you describe. You may have heard from people who are not blessed with T1D, that they describe symptoms like you when their BG drops.