Vote for a cause [jdrf]

Hey everyone!

So I have a Facebook, and I found out that there's a competiton going on by Intel. Vote for your favorite cause, and winner gets $50,000(us) in Intel co-branded advertising on Facebook. JDRF has made it to round 3 of 6 rounds already, but there's still time to vote. You can vote once per day! So let's pull our support for JDRF and vote so we can spread the word and find a cure!!

Vote here:

Thanks everyone!


Yeah, I found out about this yesterday, too. I voted for JDRF. (=

do you have to be signed up for facebook to participate?

[quote user="Courtenay"]

do you have to be signed up for facebook to participate?


Yes :( So you have to be (I think?) 13 yrs old and make sure it's cool with your parents to get one, even if you are 13+.

Hey, this is a great cause. I am so on this. Just get the word out there!

I'm traveling for work and can't access Facebook from our affiliate. What are the choices?

If Special Olympics is one of them, can someone vote that for me?

Project Nanhi Kali, Big Cat Rescue, CHERUBS, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, PKD Foundation, Autism Speaks, and JDRF.

nice ... this is great. fingers crossed


JDRF isn't in the running anymore. )=

Oh well :( thanks anyway guys

Can't believe JDRF is out of the running...hope MADD got the boot too. Go Autism Speaks!

Yup, I'm voting for Autism Speaks now.

This is how it always is, you find a cause for a minute and once you start getting the word out it is to late. However, we did try and hey either way a great cause gets the money.