Use of saline for education purposes


I was wondering if anyone on here knows where to get saline used to teach people how to administer shots, fill a pump reservoir, etc.

I'm talking about actual sterile saline that is safe for injection- the purpose behind the question is that my boyfriend would like to put himself in my shoes, so to speak, in order to understand what I'm going through.  We have discussed him trying shots, simulating pumping, etc.

I'm not sure if saline requires a prescription (I can't imagine why it would) or if you can buy it over the counter.  Any suggestions?

Thanks for your time,



When I was diagnosed, we were given a few vials of saline at the hospital. You should ask your doctor about it and they might be able to just give you some.

When I got my pump I was given a nice big vile of saline by the Animas representative so I could use it while learning how to operate my pump.

Have you tried calling a pharmacy?

[quote user="Pat"]When I got my pump I was given a nice big vile of saline by the Animas representative so I could use it while learning how to operate my pump. [/quote]


Wait, does this mean when I start my pump I won't actually be on the pump?

when I first got my pump, my older brother did what your boyfriend wants to do.  My doctor gave him another pump with saline so that he could know what it was like having to wear it all the time.  So I think if you ask/talk to your doctor about it, then they may be able to give you some to use.

-and yes Trisha.  When you first start on the pump, so you can get used to it, you start out just on saline while still taking injections.  This way, you get to know how the pump works and it's not a big deal if you accidentally give yourself a bolus or something without knowing, it'll just be the saline.

Thanks everyone.  I will try contacting Animas and my endo and hopefully that will work.  I never received saline with either of the pumps I've been on so I'm hoping they'll still be okay with it.

Jackie - I never used saline when I started on my pump.  In my case, it was at my doc's discretion.

[quote user="JackieL"]my boyfriend would like to put himself in my shoes, so to speak, in order to understand what I'm going through.  We have discussed him trying shots, simulating pumping, etc.[/quote]

What a great idea!  Your boyfriend must really care about you.

I never used saline, either.  In fact, I never even know about it until a couple years after I started on the pump.  Then it was like "Oh, that could have been a good idea."