Update #1

I posted the other day that I was in the hospital for 10 days for early signs of pre-eclampsia, and then my doctor was going to induce me. Well, he ended up sending me home on strict bedrest yesterday. My BP is still a little high and I am still spilling a touch of protein, but it hasn't progressed to anything extremely serious. I am scheduled to be induced October 17th, I'll be exactly 37 weeks. Today I was 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced so it's possible I may end up in labor before I'm induced. Who knows? I'll keep you ladies updated...

Keep us posted! Glad that you're feeling ok and at least allowed to be in your own home! Going to the hospital is one of the major things I'm dreading about having this baby. I'll be 35 weeks on Thursday so I'm right behind you!