Type 1 to type 1 parents

I am a 26 year type 1 diabetic, since I have developed complications and being forced out of work. I have started to take a look at what the care giver is going threw. I would like to appoligize for greed in the world. Since accepting my consequences I have been thinking of you and how some of these insurances or suppliers make you have to fight for your loved ones meds, just so they can stay alive. I think emotionally it has to be worse for you thank you to all the parents fighting for us to have an adult life. if you get upset with them don’t feel bad I say good for you, you love them and want the best and that is the only way things will change. Even throw sometimes our attitudes don’t show we do thank you and when we feel alone it a is good thing to think about.


What an awesome message, Dustin @lisandustin — thank you so much! I don’t know who you’re apologizing to, or for what exactly — parents take care of their kids because they love them, and I promise you, it’s our pleasure — but you are sadly right about how much of a pain it can be dealing with insurance companies and so on.

I remember being in my 20s and suddenly realizing how much my parents had done for me, and thanking them most wholeheartedly — very much like you just thanked all parents of children with T1D. Maybe it’s a developmental milestone of some sort, when our brains finally mature enough to appreciate our parents! :slightly_smiling_face: