Well, I made it to San Fransisco! 2 months on the road, phew, it has been a trip. However I have made discovery that I wish I would have figured out about 2 weeks ago!
So for the past 2 weeks I have dealt with high sugars spiking at exactly the same time every night, 12am- my blood sugar is exactly 300. So at 11 pm every night I have been taking 5 units via syringe. So last night I was up real late staring at my pump, perusing and reviewing through my basal rates for the umteenthmillionth time and I stopped at the 3am number.
My 3am rate it a lot higher because for a few hours because I have a fairly hefty "dawn phenomenon." As some of you may know the dawn phenomenon occurs in some diabetics. It is generally believed to be due to the natural overnight release of hormones growth hormones, cortisol, glucagon and epinephrine (and I dare say some other hormones due to stress)- that increase insulin resistance.
Unlike your sleep cycle which resets every 2 weeks your hormone cycles reset every few months! So while my sleep cycle has caught up with the 3 hour time difference from the east coast and the west coast- my hormone cycle hasn't!! So exactly the same time as Eastern time 3am/ 12am Pacific time I am having my spike!! While I wish that I had discovered this earlier I am so happy to know it now!
So if you have the dawn phenomenon and travel far enough west by plane/car you can't just adjust the time on your basal rate you may also have to take into account that your hormone cycle changes much slower then the rest of you does! And keep your dawn effect dose at the same time.
The only worry some thing would be if i were to move out here- as my hormone cycle adjusts would I experience lows as my dawn phenomenon moves closer to dawn?