Total lifetime blood sugar tests?

i calculated mine saying 20 years x 365 days in a year = 7300 days of diabetes

7300 days x 6 tests a day (on average-- sometimes much lower, sometimes much higher) = 43,800

no wonder i spring leaks all the time...

365 days/year × 8 years of diabetes × 5-6 tests per day = approximately 17,500 tests

Hi Travis ,I wanted to ask you about not testing everyday.How often do you test if it is ok to ask ? The reason I ask is because my daughter gets tired of testing,Sometimes she is not testing enough.I worry about this of course.If you know of a way to do this and still get the good a1c.How ? Sorry to ask but it just might help us both at this time,It is ok not to answer .Thanks  :)

I'd hate to recommend anything. But, I can recognize if I have symptoms of a high blood sugar (thirsty, excessive urination, feeling a little off) or low blood sugar (lightheaded, tired, irritable), so being able to recognize those are key if things go wrong. It's always good to graph the blood sugar over a week or two, by testing excessively in order to get good data for a typical routine - really kinda baseline data.

After that, you can make informed decisions. Even so, I do typically test in the morning to make sure I'm starting the day off right and anytime after that I feel low or high. The key is the routine and knowing how much insulin is generally required for each meal, which again depends on what types of insulin (for me; Lantus, Novalog injections) that are taken.

Thanks Travis,and maybe in a few days she will start testing more.It would be great if they could come up with some new ways to test.It is great what they have now..but something else new might be helpful.

somewhere between 1000 and a million. i dont think i could calculate the exact number of times ive tested iin my lifetime...

[quote user="Melanie Marvin"]

somewhere between 1000 and a million. i dont think i could calculate the exact number of times ive tested iin my lifetime...


take that back... 15330 times (10.5*365*4)