To All Young Active Diabetic Adults

Good evening everyone,

I have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes for over 2 years now and it was quite the blow to my life. Like many of you, it came out of the blue and changed a lot of things very quickly. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing friends and family that made sure I never felt alone in overcoming this disease. I felt that I had been blessed and had been lucky to be in a social situation that fostered my ability to control my life and my disease. This brings me to my main point for writing to you all.

Having recently moved to Dallas and having met a few board members of the local JDRF, it was brought to my attention that there was really no community or forum for young adults dealing with this disease. I truly believe it would be wonderful to create a group of young diabetic adults and to give us a place to meet, to discuss, to learn and to grow as a group and as individuals. So that is exactly what I am setting out to do.

Although in the early stages of planning, I thought Juvenation would be a good place to get the message out and see what the feedback would be. If you are living in the Dallas, Texas area, and are interested in meeting every few weeks as a group, please let me know.

There is no curriculum and no set agenda to these gatherings. We are hoping to have guest speakers, medical professionals and interesting people visit the group, but the main focus is the people who are there. We want this to be whatever the group needs it to be and wants it to be.

Thank you all for your time


Hi Patrick- I know you posted this over a year ago, but have you had any luck starting a support group? I live in the North Dallas area and would love to meet up with other Type 1s. Hope to hear from you soon!

Does it have to necessarily be young adults?  I used to live in Dallas and there were diabetes support groups.  I used to go to one at a hospital in Carrolton.  I was maybe an older young adult at the time and there were people of all ages.  But it was good.

I believe it was at this place: