So last Wednesday I fainted and had a seizure at work. I was brought to the hospital where I stayed from Wednesday to Saturday. They did a CAT Scan, a MRI, an EEG, and an Echocardiogram. All my tests came back normal and they determined that I most likely had the seizure due to stress. So now I'm just trying to figure out why it happened? I'm still feeling pretty tired and I'm a bit afraid that something like this will happen again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I have a 2.5 year old that is a type 1 diabetic, and this past summer she has her first seizure. The doctors said that she prlly had one b/c her sugar dropped to fast in such a short period of time. we checked her sugar before we laid her to bed for a nap (bs was about 90ish) we went in to check on her about an hour later and she was having a seizure, it only lasted maybe a min or so. We checked it right away and it was only in the 70's. They docs said that even though her numbers were great, it was just a "shock" for her body to drop 20 points in such a short time. he said that you can't predict it. they said that there is no set number either... she could drop 100 points and no seizure or just 5 points and have one.
i hope you find the cause/answer you are looking for!
At school i had just had swimming. So it requires a lot of excersize and oxygen...... I didnt even have my pump on yet so i thought that i would go high!!! But no!!! My glucose had probably rebounded.. But this is what happend to me. I was just in Social Studies and we have it for an hour so thats 2 periods, and so i was going to go to the nurse at the half way bell, but i couldn't tell if i had been sleeping or if i fainted or even had a seizure!!! I kind of felt like i was dead because i was so tired, but my friend looked at me and said i didnt look right and that i should go to the nurse so she waved her hand in front of my face and i didnt respond. I was so scared when i found out that i had heard everything that was going on but no one knew what was going on!!! So what if it was something that was deadly or extremely life threatening which is pretty much the same as deadly, but still. I dont know anything that happend to me though!!! I freaked out and even started crying when i got to the nurse because i was scared it was going to happen again!!
- Maddy Aiken
The only thing I can suggest is to test frequently, so you can possibly see a low in progress, and correct it before it gets so bad. If you do not feel low when you ARE low, then frequent testing is especially important. Another idea would be to have a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) which gives you your glucose numbers throughout the day and night, without having to use fingersticks. It can also be set to alarm when you have dropped to a preset level. Unfortunately, CGM's are very expensive, but your insurance might cover the expenses. Several members use a CGM.
I found this article that might be a little helpful.
This has happened to me several times. A doctor told me once that's it's not actually a seizure, but a different type of response. However, there are lots of articles online that refer to them as seizures. Based on the article above, I've had full seizures as well as being able to hear and know what was going on around me but not able to respond or react to anything. I had an episode a few years ago where I was able to walk down the hall to my father in mid-seizure to get help, but I don't remember anything but falling into the hall closet and trying to just focus enough to get to someone. In fact, it's the reason I stopped taking care of myself for years. I was so afraid of lows that I started letting my bloodsugar run high, especially at night, so it wouldn't happen anymore. Then I would let it run high when I knew I would be around people who didn't really know how to take care of me or if I would be driving a long distance. Then, little by little, I just let it run high all the time. At one point, my A1C was over 14. (Please don't throw stones, it's embarassing enough just to know I let things get that bad.) I am happy to say that I've gotten things under much better control over the last year. I'm slowly lowering my A1C and I feel sick again when my bloodsugar reaches the high 200's and not 600.
I know that I've written a lot but I guess it's because this is such a big deal to me. I allowed fear to control my diabetes and life for a really long time and I know and want others to know that it isn't necessary. I do understand that dealing with that complication is overwhelming and scary but it is something that can be worked through. I hope I haven't overwhelmed you. :)
Yeah I'm not really sure if the seizure happened because of my blood sugar. My blood sugar numbers had been good all day (in the 100 to 120 range). I went to the bathroom walked back in the office and the next thing I know I was on the floor surrounded by paramedics. I didn't know where I was or how I got there. I finally started to realize that I was at work and then my co-workers brought me my blood glucose monitor. When I checked my sugar it was 95. So I wouldn't think it happend because of my blood sugar but I'm not really sure at all.
From what you've described, it was probably just stress related. We're in the holiday season, so it's easy to get overwhelmed.
I had something similar happen when I was moving to a new state to be with my finace, planning the wedding, and job hunting long distance. Passed out and at first thought it was blood sugar related, but it was just stress.
Take this as a sign to cut back anything unnecessary. You don't have to go to every party, get everyone a gift, or get everything done at work before the holiday. Don't worry about it happening again... was probably just a random thing.
Amy, do you have a family history of syncope (faiting) or heart issues? Glad to hear your echo was normal. Did they do an EKG? What kind of CT and MRI scan did they do - was it of an extremity or your head? Do you have depression or anxiety? I think the only "real" answer you are going to get is by asking your family physician or your endocrinologist.
I had a seizure in November for the first time in 18 years of type 1. I thought something really weird must be happening to me, and the next morning I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive! Do you think you might be expecting a little one? =)
I just wanted to put my 2 cents in here. Both of my daughters have seizures. The oldest one had all the tests ran and nothing showed up. They didn't want to put her on meds because they said that sometimes people have them for unknown reasons and it will only happen once. However, when she had her 2nd seizure, they determined it is epilepsy with an unknown origin. All of her tests have come back normal but she is now on Keppra and is doing great. My other daughter has the same thing and her EEG came back abnormal. I have other insights into this but I have to get my daughter to the dr. I will write again later! :)
Both my boys have seizures one of them 3 different kinds. After his first grand mal he had a bunch of tests ran and they came back normal. Then he had a second and they put him on meds. They often wait for a second seizure to do so because many people will only have one and never have another. So more or less you are going to have to wait and see. My sons second one came a week after his first.
[quote user="Meghann"]
Amy, do you have a family history of syncope (faiting) or heart issues? Glad to hear your echo was normal. Did they do an EKG? What kind of CT and MRI scan did they do - was it of an extremity or your head? Do you have depression or anxiety? I think the only "real" answer you are going to get is by asking your family physician or your endocrinologist.
[/quote]Meghann has a great point. Do you have generally low blood pressure? (LIke 110/70, either or both numbers lower?) It might be related to that or syncope. If they did not do an ECG (or EKG), I would want one and they can also do something called a tilt table test to see if they can recreate it if it is due to low BP and related issues. Are you on an ACE inhibitor to prevent kidney problems?
Are seizures kinda inevitable with Type 1 or do they rarely happen? I know that when I first got diagnosed my doctor said it was a possiblilty.
Thanks for all the responses. Unfortunately this Wednesday at work I had my second seizure. My second seizure happened exactly a week after the first. I wasn't feeling all too well and then the next thing I remember I was on the floor and the paramedics were there. I was brought to the hospital where they ran a more intensive EEG test and the found abnormalities in my brain waves. The doctors have started me on Keppra so I'm hoping that this will work. Thanks so much for all the responses and information I really appreciate it.
[quote user="Amy Martins"]
Thanks for all the responses. Unfortunately this Wednesday at work I had my second seizure. My second seizure happened exactly a week after the first. I wasn't feeling all too well and then the next thing I remember I was on the floor and the paramedics were there. I was brought to the hospital where they ran a more intensive EEG test and the found abnormalities in my brain waves. The doctors have started me on Keppra so I'm hoping that this will work. Thanks so much for all the responses and information I really appreciate it.
Sorry to hear that Amy. I know seizures are hard to deal with mentally. They started my son on Keppra but it was very bad for him. Now he is on Vimpat. He still has seizures daily not always grand mals tho so we get to try more meds on top of that one.
Thank You so much for the article! My daughter had s really weird episode last night. The doctor's said experienced - Todd's paraylsis and from what I read, it says that THAT is due from a seizure. So scary - but I haven't been really able to find any inof - so that article was a great help to me!