
Hello, I'm Stephanie. 

I was diagnosed as a Type 1 Diabetic on June 3, 2013 at the age of 22. It came out of left field, as it seems to, as I have no known family history of it.

Currently on insulin pens, waiting on insurance to approve a pump for me.

I'm still learning, especially about the disease.

I really need to work on my eating habits, as I'm an extremely picky eater. Extremely. I'm slowly learning but it's a daily struggle.

I also need motivation for exercise too, I'd love to hear little work out ideas, or ways you motivate yourself!

I'm excited to become a part of this community, we all need this support.


Thank you!

Hi Stephanie!

It's a big adjustment, but it looks like you are identifying ways to get healthy, which is great. I was diagnosed at age 4, and I'm now 26 (almost 27), so I've had it for close to 23 years. I think I may have had an easier time of it because I didn't have to make the big adjustments/lifestyle changes you'll have to make, but it's definitely doable. I haven't felt limited by diabetes ever.

What struggles are you having with eating, specifically? And as for exercise, I know what you mean. I jog during my lunch hour, because I don't like waking up early (and often push snooze several times even when I try) and it's hard for me to feel motivated once I get home from work. I'd rather spend time with my husband and our dog :)

For my exercises, I do 20-30 minutes of cardio (either jogging or elliptical) and maybe 20 minutes or so of weights, depending on the day. Some days I don't do weights at all, but I think it's good to have a mix of both. There's also a facebook group for Type 1 diabetic athletes that I'm part of; that may be a good place for you to look for workout ideas and tips too.

It sounds like you're doing great Stephanie.  Through the whole time you have diabetes you'll be learning about it and about what works for you.  

You can eat what you want with type 1, but have to look up carbohydrate counts and dose your short acting insulin to what you eat.  

Once you get a pump it makes eating much easier.  I often skip meals and have fasted (just drinking water) for 24-hours with no problems.  A pump provides greater flexiblity and usually improved control.  

Exercise is the toughest variable with diabetes because it affects blood sugar in crazy ways.  Sheri Colberg's book, The Diabetic Athlete, really helped me and I recommend it.  

Other good books to help you as your learn about diabetes:

50 Diabetes Myths That Can Ruin Your Life; And the 50 Diabetes Truths That Can Save It by Riva Greenberg

Think Like a Pancreas by Gary Scheiner

Hi Stephanie,

I am Gina the community manager and was diagnosed with T1D as an adult as well. (25) It was a difficult transition because you feel like everything you once knew is gone and now you have to learn everything all over again. The key is to let family and friends that want to help you, HELP. Talking to people on T1Nation and other offline support groups with others living with T1D will be a tremendous help as well. I wish I had done that in the beginning to know I was less alone.

Talking to a nutritionist who gave me healthy options was great for me. At my diabetes center they had classes to learn how to carb count and you got to learn from others who were t1d for a while who gave their suggestions on what they ate that didn't raise their blood sugars that much. Maybe trying to find classes like that could help.

As far as motivation for exercise, even little things like walking around the block, instead of getting in the car to go to the store, cleaning could be a good way to get some in. Getting motivated for exercise is hard for anyone not just people with diabetes haha

Once you are on a pump you will see that things will sort of get back to normal once you are regulated. There is a lot of trial and error for maybe a month or so. And just when you think you figured things out, you maybe have to change things again... So don't get frustrated with that. It's normal.

There are a lot of different topics on the site so feel free to browse around and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me an inbox message by clicking on my name at anytime. We also have Jenna who also responded to you who is one of our moderators and is available as well!

Hang in there!

Hi Stephanie,

We highly recommend walking. It gets you started and you can feel better the longer you do it. Walk with a buddy if you can. I think of it as an excuse for a 20  minute conversation with a friend! I started walking just 30 minutes once a week about a year ago and last summer I completed a 16 day walk through the alps. It was all hills carrying a pack and the days were 4 hours to 11 hours of walking. A year ago I would have said that you were out of your mind to suggest it, but now I crave it. Walking is the best and easy on your body. Go for it! You can make this your own!
