Research Study: Adult Siblings of Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes--Please read and pass to siblings!

My name is Julie E. Balzano and I am a fifth year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program at Fordham University.  I am writing to ask for help in recruiting participants for my doctoral dissertation research examining the sibling relationship, empathy, and interpersonal problems among adult siblings of individuals with Type I diabetes.

I was wondering if individuals would be willing to help distribute an email about my study, post it to a blog you might have, or distribute my study flyer at any support group meetings or events you might have.  And, of course, if you have sibling(s) and Type 1 it would be great if you could pass this information to your sibling(s).  Study participants are the non-diagnosed adult siblings of individuals with Type 1, but the best way to get in touch with these individuals has been through their diabetic siblings.  

Study participation occurs electronically, takes 20-25 minutes, and is anonymous.  I have pasted study information below.  Information can also be found at: 


Julie E. Balzano, M.S.Ed.


My name is Julie E. Balzano and I am a fifth year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program at Fordham University.  I am writing to ask for help in recruiting participants for my doctoral dissertation research examining the sibling relationship, empathy, and interpersonal problems among adult siblings of individuals with Type I diabetes.

Participants must have sibling(s) who are EITHER medically healthy OR who have a diagnosis of Type I diabetes.  Additional participation criteria include:   

• Must be 18 years of age or older. 

• Must have grown up in the same household with sibling(s).  

• Participants may not have any serious medical conditions or developmental delays/ disabilities.   

• Sibling(s) may not have any of the above conditions except for Type I diabetes.   

• Sibling(s) must be alive. 

Participation will take approximately 25-30 minutes of your time and includes electronic completion of one demographic information survey and three questionnaires.  All participants will remain anonymous.  To participate, type the following link into any web-browser and follow the directions:

If you do not qualify, but happen to know someone who might be interested, I would really appreciate you passing this information along.  Please feel free to contact myself or my dissertation mentor, Dr. Eric C. Chen, Ph.D., with any questions you many have.  I thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Julie E. Balzano, M.S.Ed.                    

Ph.D. Candidate                                    

Counseling Psychology                           



Eric C. Chen, Ph.D.

Dissertation Mentor 

Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology 
