I hope you do not feel it an intrusion that I joined your group. I have 2 sisters diagnosed at ages 4 and 14 and a nephew diagnosed at age 5 with T I. Both of my sons have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia - they are now in their 30's. No diabetes yet. I have blood sugar-related metbolic issues - no name for it / them.
I have written a book The Savvy Patient's Toolkit. In it is a system for managing overall health, not just diabetes. I am speaking at a JDRF Family weekend in March. I will be doing 2 adult sessions and one joint session for parents and teens. I have spoken with my family members about their recollections of the teenage years, but would like to obtain more information if any of you are willing to share so I can speak in as meaningful way as possible to their needs, struggles, etc.
I have read the posts attached to "Denial" & "I just forgot". If anyone has anything to add under the following topics I'd greatly appreciate it:
- Your involvement in the management of your your child's T I - the good, the bad, the ugly.
- Issue pertaining to letting go of control
- Your comfort level about your child being able to overseee his / her overall health when he / she leaves home
- Emotiional / relationship issues
- Hope / fears
- Anything else you'd like to share.
Thank you in advance. I appreciate your help,