Placement/Staying on

i wear my Dexcom about 2" below my bra strap so that no one can see the shape. In other words my bust holds my shirt out enough so that no one can tell. However, most of you sound very thin. I’m a size 12 so I probably have more places available. I enjoyed reading some of your tricks to keep them stuck and can’t wait to try them. I’ve gone through 4 this week!

I've been dating my boyfriend for just over a year now.  He's been really good about trying to learn about it and he takes it seriously (sometimes probably even more so than I do).  I think that's because of how much I've stressed the importance of me not getting low and the long-term complications I can face if I don't take care of myself.  He still isn't all that familiar with all the intricacies of my management, but he's made a real effort to learn about it on his own (although that sometimes leads to misinformation since he doesn't really understand the difference between T1 and T2 and thinks that they are interchangeable).  He's come to learn that if I wake him in the middle of the night for orange juice, I'm not trying to be a spoiled, inconsiderate pain, but I'm low and that's a big deal. 

It does escape him sometimes that I'm diabetic though, but I think that's my fault more than anything.  I can't really expect him to be mindful of it when I'm neglecting it myself. 

But anyways, I think that he has made an effort to learn because he genuinely cares about my health and it's important to him that nothing bad happens, and going incredibly low or incredibly high constitutes bad, so he wants to know how to deal with it, even if he doesn't completely understand diabetes.

So many things are going through my mind right now. I need to educate him. I shouldn't assume he knows about diabetes, until we met he had no reason to know about it. I have never gone into details of diabetes, I'm not sure why.

It does escape him sometimes that I'm diabetic though, but I think that's my fault more than anything.  I can't really expect him to be mindful of it when I'm neglecting it myself. 

This really opened my eyes, it's so very true! Your entire response totally "clicked." Thank you!!

I'm glad my response was able to help at all. Another thing that got my boyfriend involved is that I have tried to include him in things like the JDRF Walk.  I guess that helps him see the importance of knowing about it in some respect. 

I'm sure your special guy will learn eventually.


I have been with my husband for almost seven years (three dating and almost four married).  I was diagnosed when we had been together for just under two years--it wasn't until really recently-when I decided to tighten myself up, that he has been with me on my diabetes.  He will give me serving sizes and count my carbs for me, he will ask me "what's your sugar, sugar?" when I am testing :-D, he asks questions about what to do if I am too high/low and am unconscious or unresponsive,, and many other little things that make me feel like he is with me in this.  I think that as t1 diabetics, that's the best thing any of us can hope for--someone, anyone that says "I've got you covered". 

Thought I would update everyone... I broke up with my boyfriend. Before you ask, I'm OK :o)

sorry to hear, trisha. sometimes, though, it's the best thing that's happened to us :o)

Thanks C! I know I did the right thing.... I just don't think he knows that :o/