I've been on the Omnipod a little over a year and besides a couple of minor glitches I've loved every minute of it. However, recently I moved to a warmer climate and my pump has been falling off due to a lack of adhesive from sweating. Has anyone else had this problem and/or do you have any suggestions about how to prevent this from happening or remedy the situation. I can't afford to keep having to replace pods bc they fall off.
Some claim the IVprep wipes help with adhesion. My DE (diabetic educator) claims a double wipe of alcohol will take off the oils and create a better stick for the duration. But I haven't really had success with either of those.
Right now I am using the IV3000 tape over my CGM inserts to hold it down. I live in South Florida where it is humid and I do Kung Fu and Tai Chi 3 times a week where our instructor likes the heat. Not to mention, I sweat a lot!
I am thinking about using a girdle type security blanket during heavy exercise times for added peace of mind.
Good luck!
I also read that a non scented, non deodorant "antiperspirant" spray will help with reducing sweat.
Don't quote me on that, but I think I read it Medtronic Minimed's website somewhere.
what i do for my is a double wipe of alcohol or wipe it with some non scented deodorant it will help with the sweating it so for me & try some iv tape to hope that helps.
[quote user="eric"]
what i do for my is a double wipe of alcohol or wipe it with some non scented deodorant it will help with the sweating it so for me & try some iv tape to hope that helps.
[/quote]Are you just repeating what the last person said in all of your posts? I'm seeing a pattern here. This has happened far too many times to be coincidence, "eric".
no i just do the same thing so im just telling what i do.
@Elizabeth I'm so sorry to hear that the pods are falling off. I have a friend that stopped using OmniPod because they kept falling off or never properly reattached. He got so frustrated that he went back to shots.
I use IV-Prep for my Animas Ping, and that works pretty well. It sounds like the other ideas people gave you are worth a shot too! I would encourage you to let OmniPod know that this is happening to you. I'm sure they want to make the best product possible, and therefore need customer comments and suggestions. I hope this issue goes away quickly!
I tried the omnipod but really didnt liek the size of it. But for your adhesive issue you can try this tape that is see through called IV3000 that stuff sticks to anything and it will help keep your omnipod on. Hope thiss helps
Bye :)