ok so i am using the omni pod and i love it but my nurse thinks its terrible she is always telling the other diabetics in my school that my insulin pump is always disconnecting and stuff meanwhie its only happened like once.
school nurses are VERY annoying. every single nurse i have had at school (3) have called DYFUS (child services in nj) because they thouhgt i was not being taken care of (my numbers have never always been perfect) now my nurse in my high school crtisizes everything i eat (i had a greek salad and pita bread and it wasn't good enough fofr her!) i strongly distest nurses
My school nurse is pretty good to me. I have a full school schedule and so only visit her if I need to check for ketones.
Speaking of nurses in general, I was working at a flu shot clinic the other day, and was low. So I sat down, ate some tablets and sorta looked at the floor (I felt terrible, what can I say?) Just about every nurse in the room saw me and ran to get juice from the cafeteria (it was in a school). They (about 6) sat with me and made sure I was all better before anyone did anything else, and I went home with 6 juice cups.
I love nurses.
I LOVE MY OMINIPOD :) But yeah they do have issues some times. Thats only because they are somewhat new still. I got into the early program for them and every third pod i'd put on would malfuntion one way or another. Over the past year its gotten so much better now. And i love the new PDM. Your nurse seems kinda like a jerk to me lol. Have you talked to her about your pump before?
p.s. i love your name aha
Is she mentioning you by name to the other students?
If she is then she is breaking HIPAA regulations and she can be fired because that is your personal medical information and she has no right to give it out without your permission.
[quote user="Kimberly"]
If she is then she is breaking HIPAA regulations and she can be fired because that is your personal medical information and she has no right to give it out without your permission.
[/quote]That's what I was going to tell Gillian if the nurse is mentioning her by name.
well one day i was in the nurses office boulising ad there wuz a 9th grader who is also a diabetic and he saw my pump and asked me how it worked without me even being able to tell him the nurse told him that it is always disconecting and that i am always changing it for various reasons i wuz so mad ...she also talks to different nurses and teachers about me and i know that for a fact i even heard her once but that wuz 4 a total different reason
In High School, my nurse was my saving grace. She really helped me out. I had to go to her for lunch time testing or pre lunch testing. If I was low she always had peanut butter crackers and juice for me. She kept my lows afloat when I was not always paying attention to the disease. My senior year I had been out of school for a week plus for a Thyroid issue the first few weeks of school. That put me right near my schools absentee max for seniors. She would help me pad my sick days and was willing to argue with the school when I went over my quota of sick days, basically telling them that due to the various illnesses I was facing, I was bound to go over my allotted time off. She got me out of having to go to school on Saturday's to make up the missed days. I loved my nurse.