Nervous! Could use some feedback!

Hello all!

I had an appointment today. I am 31 weeks 5 days... a1c is 6.7..... my baby weighs 4lbs 7oz already! and myself, I have gained 26 lbs.

I was told today that I will most likely be having the baby in 6 weeks.... I am so nervous! I am assuming I will be induced and... a c-section? Has anyone had a similar situation? Do any of my numbers above look familiar or normal?!

Hope everyone has a good week!

Hey! Sounds like you're doing well!  Just so you know my a1c at the end was 6.5 and my baby was right around the same size as yours at the 31 week mark. He was born at 37w5d and weighed 7 lb 9 oz. I was induced and had him 12.5 hours later! He was a vaginal delivery, but we wound up needing forceps in the end. All in all I don't think my delivery was any more traumatic than a non-diabetics would be :-) You got this!

Your numbers are your numbers.  Just do your best to avoid any highs and lows.

As a mom with type 1 diabetes you are likely to be told your baby is "measuring big" on the ultrasound.  Know that the ultrasound is an estimate.  

OBGYNs are  very cautious and will want you to be induced early and have a cesarean, which is what will happen if your body isn't ready to deliver.  Ask your doctor what signs your body should be showing (baby has dropped, cervix is dialating, breast milk is coming in) for the induction to be successful.  Learn about the reasons to induce, to have a cesarean, and to deliver naturally.  Trust your instincts and make an educated decision with your doctor.  

I know the feeling! I am 31 weeks 3 days and my baby boy is an estimated 5 pounds 5 oz! My A1C has been 6.2 through out my pregnancy. Needless to say, I was shocked when they told me how big he is thought to be, but my doctors assured me that it comes with being diabetic.  I was over 8 pounds and my husband was over 9 when we were born so I shouldn't be too surprised.  I start week 32 and 33 with weekly OB visits for non stress tests and at 34 weeks to delivery twice per week for non stress tests and ultrasounds.  Baby is precious though! looks JUST like his daddy with the cutest chubby cheeks!

Hang in there!

Hi, I'm a preggo newbie and only at 9 weeks - this is a bit off topic, but was just wondering what exactly are non stress tests and what do they involve?  

I guess you could say they are time consuming tests, and a bit annoying. I had to go twice weekly from 30 weeks on. They check the baby's heart rate with a monitor that is placed on your belly. You sit in a chair for 30 minutes or so. After they give you a sonogram to check your placenta because they always fear it will break down before delivery. You will be asked to go home and daily do a kick count for 30 minutes. They want the baby to kick 10 times in an hour

   My recommendation would be that you check out several places now to do them. I was told I could only go to one place, the hospital across the street from where the endo was. I did have more options but it was tough to find a place with openings, who took my insurance, and was close to home.

  The woman who conducted the test was a lunatic, to put it nicely

   I had to cancel once and attempted to reschedule and she refused to work with me. Sometimes the people who conduct these work with women who are not so cautious so they tend to be control freaks.

   Later on my feet and thighs were so swollen from pre-eclampsia that I called when this lady was on vacation and the nurse taking over insisted I had to come in. She called in a resident to look at my swollen ankles. She let me go home. My care was not the best.

  I hated going to the non-stress tests. Try to find a place that is not crowded with a nurse that is pleasant. If you are working these will make your life impossible. If you are younger and have nothing other than diabetes you might be able to talk the doctor into letting you go once a week.

   Most insurance companies will cover you to go anywhere. Bring a book with you or hearphones. The magazines they have at those places are all promotional, a bit dull.