My 4 tear old daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 months ago and i am still scared about it. It is hard as a single mom to do this but i have been doing the best i can for her. I have been learning a lot about in the last 3 months but it is a bit more stressful with all this going on. She fights with me on occations and luckly i have family to help for most part. I would like some advice if any one can help and has done this longer then me. Please help me
@Kayla.shouse hi Kayla, it takes a whole year to learn the language and to develop your senses and intuition about insulin, exercise, food, and blood sugar. Take it easy in yourself… ok?
Just like when she was an infant, your daughter needs you to do the things she can’t do for herself yet, and not just do it, but to be her guide and her guru to help her learn how to take care of herself.
She already thinks you are a superhero, let’s just pray for the strength to live up to that, to be worthy of that kind of esteem and to be the best we can be…for them.
You are an awesome mom. Remember to take care of yourself. Carry on.
Hi there, I totally understand. My son was diagnosed 9 months ago and he is 4 years old. I know the doctors told you that it would get easier over time and it does. You get into your routine you’re able to count carbs a little easier, know when to correct, there’s so many facets to it. You’re doing an incredibly wonderful job and my son’s doctors are telling me don’t look for perfection, my biggest pieces of advice would be, follow the road map, I would highly recommend the Dexcom G6 it gives you peace of mind, you’re doing the best you can.
Your doing an awesome job. It takes time and lots of work to do what you are doing. It’s very hard to get a handle on what your doing. No matter what you do it’s never gonna be perfect, EVER!
But, it will be as close as you can get! Once you think you have a handle on control, the disease can change and it seems like your back to square one again. The best you can do is what your doing. Trying to understand the disease or what it’s gonna do won’t work well for you. Cause as she grows and changes so will the diabetes.
It’s the nature of the game, so to speak. From personal experience, reacting to the data, CGM, BG levels, etc, your daughters opinio, what you see in her. All information you can get will help you to teach her how to take care of herself. But it’s gonna be a long slow road to get there. Slowly it will switch over to you supervising her and then eventually she will take over with you monitoring her from time to time.
Your doing your best, now. It will get easier but slowly, and it will cone to you that the best thing you can hope for is to manage the disease on what it tells you through so many things, that I can’t begin to tell you, but you will begin to see them, recognize them and be able to figure out what to do.
I found keeping record of things to be helpful. If your not it may help you get a feeling of what’s happening.
Good luck, keep up the good work your doing, keep in close contact with your Drs. And eventually you will see things get better. Never easy, but manageable.