Today on 7-11-10 I am 15 I also share my birthday with 2 of my cuz.
Happy Birthday, Jamie! Today is Brandan's diagnosis anniversary. It's been 3 years.
Well Happy Diabetes anniversary to Brandan....And thanks Trish
Happy b-day. Mine was this past Wednesday. Have a wonderful day!!!
Happy late birthday Jacquie.
Happy Birthday Jaimie!! I hope it is a wonderful one!
Happy Birthday, Jaimie! I hope you have a super fun one and I wish you the best! Today is my 9 month wedding anniversary. LOL! Not anything of importance, but I still can't believe I'm even married! Ha! Anyway, hope you also get to enjoy a bit of cake.
Happy Birthday Jamie! I hope you have a good one. Don't party too hard. lol. :D
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! (:
I hope your birthday was great!
Thanks everyone for the birthday wish
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Jaimie
Thannks everyone for the Birthday wish's I had a great day and my BG's stay under 200 all day
Hope I am not too late. Happy Birthday!!!!
Keith, U are not to late, And Thanks so much for that