I have been diabetic for 10 yrs. Always doing injections. I have been interested in the pump for many years but wonder what the pro’s and con’s are. I have been to a pump class and am interested in getting one. I also wonder what the cost difference is between injection therapy and pumps? I just wonder what you guys opinions are?
i did multiple injections for 20-something years and then switched to a pump and it’s been great for me. takes a bit of re-learning to get started. for me, the variable basal rates allow me much greater flexibility than long-acting insulin shots. I have great a1c’s and they are easier for me to get using the pump over shots and not as many lows, but I do put a lot of effort in.
there is a huge cost difference so if you don’t have insurance, or have high deductibles or high copay, pumping can be a big financial burden. I recommend you take a look at the costs. Since it’s a machine, and there’s moving parts, batteries, etc., a high blood sugar might take more thinking than if you were on shots. If you are unwilling or unable to do more testing and more troubleshooting, pumping can be overwhelming.
it was a good decision for me, and unless I lose my insurance I will not go back to shots.
good luck
Hey @aubijane: My daughter Cassie has had T1D for over 17 years. She was diagnosed at 18 months old, and we decided to put her on the MiniMed pump (before they were Medtronic) at 4 years old when she went into pre-kindergarden. Let me tell you, it was LIBERATING to not have her under a strict snack/meal schedule while she was starting school. We didn’t want her singled out from everyone else. As she grew we switched to a Cozmo pump which was great but was then discontinued by Smiths Medical. The pump made managing BG easier during our travels, during periods of sickness or during any breaks in our traditional daily routine. As Cassie moved into her teens, we moved to injections. She was independent enough to give herself multiple shots. Not having a bulky contraption made it easier to do activities or wear outfits without the “pump bulge.” But just in the last few weeks we got a tSLIM from Tandem. It’s whizbang interface is very much like an iPhone and it has a very thin profile. At age 18, where HbA1Cs are typically high, we felt the added control that a pump offers was worth it.
Thanks guys! I’ve been trying to get in touch with the t slim sales rep about the pump… I have very good insurance I spend about 100 dollar in insulin a month… My biggest concern is the cost difference … I have A1C’s around the 7’s but I believe the pump would really help… How often do you have to buy the tubing and such I know you have to change the infusion spot every few days or so
We get our supplies three months at a time. I get about three good days out of a site and my son gets about 2.5 days before numbers start getting out of whack. They are really great in the flexibility department. My one word of caution would be to be careful of getting “lazy” with the flexibility. It is sometimes a struggle to balance the two. With today’s ever declining insurance coverage I find that a three month supply of infusion sets and reservoirs cost me around $300 under my 20% co-insurance.
Sorry not to sound stupid but is the reserve the insulin? I really can’t wait to hear back about all of this from the rep because I have a million and one questions haha.
the reservoir holds the insulin, typically 3 days supply. some pumps have 150 unit reservoirs, some 300 units. minimed offers both styles.
please take a look at “Pumping Insulin” amazon link here
the book is very good and has a lot of information.
@aubijane: I have been on the pump for almost 20 years and diabetic for 42. It took getting used to … I wear a minimed and use the CGMs - 530G and new Enlite system. There are many systems out there, so one of the first things you need to figure out is which on is BEST for your life style. Some like the Omnipod, but I tried it and it was bulky - some use Animas as it is water proof and there are several others.
I like the Mininmed most of all because the CGMs transmits to the pump and not a separate device – making a change is difficult.
You should also make sure what your insurance covers and that may make you change your mind – maybe.
Also, consider using a 3rd party for your supplies as may will get them for you at a better rate than dealing directly with the manufacturer. I don’t know what kind od game is going on, but for me, my 3rd party distributor does not charge me my co-insurance 20% - yet medtronic does gladly and my products are shipped directly from Medtronic!
CGMs is the best thing going along with testing.
CGM? See I really know nothing… Sorry I really think this is going to be a big adjustment.
Continuous glucose monitor system …You’ll want one!
Thanks I’ll def be doing a lot of research in the next few weeks
Hi @aubijane,
It helped me with my Dawn Phenomenon, you are able to have many different basal rates (basal rates deliver small amounts of insulin over 24 hours) throughout the day to help with a difficult time of the day. Another one was during exercise. I am able to lower my basal rate one hour before, during, and one hour after exercise resulting in less hypoglycemia. You can also have different levels of meal bolusing (bolus are what you take when you eat only) . For me I take more insulin for carbs at breakfast than I do at lunch and dinner. To piggy back on meals you also have more flexibility on things you eat and the times that you eat them. Creating a more 'laxed lifestyle. Which is enough for me to be a pumper until there is a cure!
Sometimes there can be a malfunction causing an increase of DKA. On the flipside if you check enough enough you should be able to catch any problems unless its while sleeping of course.
Summer is a big one for me, and the only time I hate wearing my pump. It is out there for everyone to see, you need to find some creative ways to hide it, the sun is always an issue for the cause of it overheating, and swimming is also an issue because you have to correct for disconnecting… Recommendation is 30 minutes of disconnection at a time. My pump has tubing, there are options for tubeless as well.
If your insurance company does not cover insulin pumps at 100% it could be extremely pricey.
Overall, I would never ever go back on injections, unless I REALLY needed a break from being connected. Which I did once and vowed never to do again!
Side-note, You should check out Jason’s review of the T-slim HERE, he didn’t have such a glowing review of it but it was a good review regardless. @red, I am curious if Cassie has experienced any of the things on Jason’s “Cons” list?
I forgot to mention, ask your CDE and or Endo to try as many pumps as possible to see which is best for you! They all have unique features.
Diabetesnet.com has a great comparison list HERE of all pump models currently on the market, there are the 800 numbers at the bottom of the list for you to call. I think the only one on the list they have to update is the Minimed Revel to the 530G.
They also have a list companies who have/had Continuous Glucose models as well, HERE. The Abbott Freestyle Navigator Model is currently not available.