I use Animas 2020. I forgot to mention that piece of info. No problems at all with the 2020. The Ping software if MAC compatible. Customer service is great with Animas. I cannot say the same for Minimed which is why I switched.... Explore all your options....
thanks, cindi!!! :D
Really? that is the pump I have been looking into. I had a few options and i looked them all up and the animas 2020 is the one i liked the best. I hope to get one soon!
I've had the pump for 4 years - the minimed 515 - and it is the best thing diabetes related EVER!!!!! no needles except for site changes and so much more freedom and control!! I<3 the pump. (Although the adhesive can be annoying because for me it comes off really easily)
My Omnipod has stayed on for days at the pool with my son and my workouts without a problem. I know they changed some things a bit back with the adhesive, it may be worth ordering a "test pod" from them.
Also, Omnipod also has a signed agreement with Abbot for the Navigator. Do you know if they are going to do both or have they completely dropped the one line? All of my inquiries to date have come up empty...
Wow. I am sorry you did not have good customer service with the Minimed. Conner has the Minimed and we have had great response from customer service. Our doctor and the educators are wonderful at our clinic. We have to go to Oklahoma City (about 250 miles) to see an endocronologist because Amarillo Texas does not have one. Our educators usually take care of everything with the pump but when I have called Medtronics they have been great.
Hi there! I was on shot therapy for 8 years and went on the insulin pump almost 2 years ago in January. I can honestly say that I wish that I went on the pump sooner. I have never felt so healthy, and free with this therapy. I am on the Minimed 522, and I also use the Continuous Glucose Monitoring system which I also find amazing. My insurance covers the sensors, which is great....and as far as I know a lot of insurance companies will do so as long as you fill in correct paperwork.
The reason I hesitated the most with the pump was because I was nervous about hiding it. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like it showing all the time, and I can honestly say that it has never ever even been an issue.
I love playing sports, and never have an issue using the pump. I keep it attached mostly, as I want to know what my blood sugar is doing at all times..but it is so simple to unattach it quickly. I know it is a personal choice, but I know that I will never ever go back to multiple injection therapy ever again!
Hello Everyone,
I am new to the site and just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I am currently taking shot; novolog and levemir. I was on a pump for 7 years because I wanted tighter control for my pregnancies. I kept it on afterwards but had problems with the tubing. Babies' arms and legs kept getting tangled. I then went to the Omnipod. I thought that would be great but alas it wasn't. Mine kept jamming and would rip off. I found that the shots, for me, are a whole lot easier.
I was on humalog and lantus pens, but now but I have ping.
Hi A-D,
At the American Association of Diabetes Educators conference this past August, I spoke with several people at Dexcom, Animas, & Omnipod. All informed me that Dexcom has entered into agreement for a pump / CGMS system to be revealed sometime in 2009..... Omnipod did ssay that their proposed design would have the insertion site for insulin delivery at one end & the CGMS sensor at the other.... As for the issue with the adhesive, as you stated, Omnipod is working to improve the adhiseive quality, but it is not wuite there yet.... Although as a nurse & future CDE, I imagine some of the problem may be user & not device....
I have been on & off pumps for over 20 years. My first pump was made by Eli Lilly - was called the Betatron. At that time, it was the Betatron or Minimed - these were the only 2 pumps on the market. The technology has changed dramatically & for the better.
Wow, I am surprised to hear about the Omnipod design. I thought most of the CGMs recommend keeping the sensor and infusion sites like 6 inches or more away from one another. Maybe I'm remembering this wrong... Do you have that info at the top of your head or should I go pull some manuals??? (yes, i'm trying to avoid doing my homework here, LOL)
Thanks and Cheers!
I am on the 515 Minimed and I love it. Before that I was on the Desetronic pump. I love the pump!!!!!!!
I used to be on the insulin pens(Humalog, and Lantus), but I am now pumping with the Omnipod.
I love the Omnipod, but if I had to switch for any reasons, I would want the Animas Ping.
i used to be on injections with humalog and lantus. now im on the animas ping. i like it.
im split between a cosmoz pump and the pin that im currently on
Cindi- do you mean that you should not have to remove your pump for exercise, or that you just plain shouldn't remove your pump for exercise? (When I run, I usually take off my pump because I am a very efficient perspirer ;) ; but if I should keep it on, I will...)
Hi A-D,
Sorry for the delay in answering.... What I was told in August was that both Omnipod & Animas have entered into contract with DexCom. I will inquire with some of my inside sources..... I alos have been unable to confirm anything about the 6 inch rule.... I'll let you know what I find out.
Hi Keely,
The answer is both. You should not have to remove your pump and you shouldn't remove your pump during exercise. You may have to play with adjusting your basal rates before / during / after exercise, but with keeping the pump on, you do not risk fluctuations. Some people can develop DkA with not using their pump during exercise - the odds increase with duration of exercise.
i use novorapid(breakfast and supper) and nph(morning). im going to get a pump really soon