Insulin costs- Making your voice heard

One thing that has always broken my heart was to see my younger sister (who was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 9), constantly fret about how she will afford her medication once she is out of my parent’s insurance. She wants to be a writer, but she’s considering going into another career because she’s afraid it won’t be enough to cover her costs.

My name is Caitlin Phillips and I am a high school senior in the course AP Research, where students pick a research topic and focus on conducting their own research for a year. I am looking into the relationship between socioeconomic factors and struggles families often have with affording insulin (along with if the result is insulin rationing and/or hospitalizations). I know many diabetics struggle with affording their medication, but currently there is a lack of information when it comes to how many diabetics are affected by price rises. To begin finding some answers to this issue, I am conducting a survey of demographics/ insulin rationing of children and their families with T1D and older Type One Diabetics.

Please private message me if you have any questions, or if you aren’t interested in taking the survey but have stories about how the prices of insulin has affected you. I would greatly appreciate all the help I can get! Here is the survey link(it’s a simple Google Form):

Expect this to take 10 minutes or less. Participants in the survey can enter a giveaway for a $50 gift card (closing at the end of February 2019).
Your name will never be asked for and your email will only be used to contact you if you win the gift card. This study has been approved by my district (GCISD) IRB.