Instagram & diabetes

Hi there! I am 19 years old with almost 10 years of experience living with T1D, and I was thinking of starting a separate istagram account where I could document my journey studying abroad and living with diabetes. Would anyone be interested? Does anyone have similar accounts I could follow to expand the circle of people with T1D I know?
Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Hi. I’m a luddite without an instagram account, but I follow Ashley and Emily Sapen on Facebook (Ashley & Emily Sapen).

I’ve been only recently diagnosed (a few weeks), and i’ve found that instagram accounts on diabetes have made me feel much less alone and isolated. I’d give you a follow if you made an account! :slight_smile:

I don’t have a diabetes-focused instagram myself but there are a lot of people in the community that do! Here are some of the people I follow:


Literally, if you search t1d on instagram, you’ll find a TON of people who have dedicated accounts. :slight_smile: Hope that helps.

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lovely, thanks! I’m @diabetesagne on ig if anyone’s interested, I also feel like documenting my daily life makes me feel less alone & helps others too!

My daughter doesn’t have a T1D specific IG account, but if anyone would like to follow her professional account, she would love the support.