I am doing great!

I am beautifully regulated!  Secret:  High dosage of Lantus >43U.  At this level I am able to go all day without eating because according to my Endo  this is my correct  basal level . I feel great and my body operates like an olympiic athlete. I only take Novalog when I eat and to take care of those sneaky fats that enter the blood stream 2-7 hrs after eating. My biggest problem time is bed time.  I must be at just the right level!  I do take a few nuts or hummus to insure that I do not go low over night.  I rarely have over night lows.


I think it is exciting for all of us when we find things that work!  Congratulations on your good control!!!  Can I ask when you were diagnosed?


I don’t think my body has EVER operated like an Olympic athlete, LOL – practice dummy, sure – but athlete… well - *sigh* just not me, LOL so I will say I envy that ;)


The overnight lows (followed by early morning spikes) were a big part of what finally got me motivated to switch to the pump…


Complex carbs and proteins at bedtime are a nice tool and one that I utilized when I was taking Lantus… I look forward to hearing more of your story!




         I was diagnosed ten years ago when my teeth  started to fall out.  I was living off of my body and  had mild osteopenia which is caused by long term uncontrolled Type 1. ( Check Medscape)  I no longer even get cavities because I am on the right dose of insulin (Lantus and Novalog) . I have six dental implants and my jaw bone has returned to normal.  I believe that I have been Type 1 since age 7 since  I showed sugar in my urine at that time.  I do not understand why the doctors never picked up my type 1 tilll  many years later.I was always skinny but very physically active.


          Taking Lantus and Novalog is so easy! I can not imagine using the pump! It sounds so complicated  and  difficult to use safely.   If I do not eat I can go all day without having to take my bolus (Novalog) and I am extremely physically active!  Of course I have a well balanced diet and try to minimize my fat intake  (Except for a small portion of nuts or hummus  which keep me from going low over night.I do have a sugar free beverage before bed since doing so will force me  to wake up 4-6 hours after retiring to check my glucose.  Good fat are my bedtime  secrets. Proteins will build tissue but not help with your over night lows


         I was diagnosed ten years ago when my teeth  started to fall out.  I was living off of my body and  had mild osteopenia which is caused by long term uncontrolled Type 1. ( Check Medscape)  I no longer even get cavities because I am on the right dose of insulin (Lantus and Novalog) . I have six dental implants and my jaw bone has returned to normal.  I believe that I have been Type 1 since age 7 since  I showed sugar in my urine at that time.  I do not understand why the doctors never picked up my type 1 tilll  many years later.I was always skinny but very physically active.


          Taking Lantus and Novalog is so easy! I can not imagine using the pump! It sounds so complicated  and  difficult to use safely.   If I do not eat I can go all day without having to take my bolus (Novalog) and I am extremely physically active!  Of course I have a well balanced diet and try to minimize my fat intake  (Except for a small portion of nuts or hummus  which keep me from going low over night.I do have a sugar free beverage before bed since doing so will force me  to wake up 4-6 hours after retiring to check my glucose.  Good fat are my bedtime  secrets. Proteins will build tissue but not help with your over night lows


Hey S,

I am so happy for you! It is so great to hear when things are working out great for a diabetic. Before I started using the pump, I was on Lantus and Novolog. When I first used Lantus, it was great but in a few months, the Lantus actually started giving me peaks late afternoon into early evening. I also started experiencing highs in the morning which then contributed to even more lows in the early evening...that's why I switched to the pump. Apparently my hormones were (and still do) affect my blood sugar and every month it is slightly different. Keep up the good work, because I know that when our blood sugars are great, we also feel great ;)