Hey all,
I’m looking for some advice. I’ve had a super crummy summer in regards to health including hives, achy muscles, a painful ulcer and now hypothyroidism. My endo told me thyroid issues were insanely common among T1D folks. I’m wondering if anyone out there can share insight on hypothyroidism and if meds helped them alleviate random symptoms. I’ve been told by some others that muscle tightness and aches and hives can be a side effect of an out of whack thyroid. I appreciate the advice!
Hi, Taylor.
Yes, hypothyroidism is common with T1D. The treatment is medication, typically a single tablet every morning. Generic thyroid medication is about the least expensive medication you’ll ever have prescribed for you - I think I pay about $9.00 for a 90 day supply. Oops! My wife is telling me I don’t have a co-pay for my thyroid medication anymore, so it doesn’t cost me anything for a 90 day supply.
The thyroid gland regulates metabolism. So, with hypothyroidism “everything slows down.” People complain of reduced energy, feeling cold, cold hands and feet (a particular variant of the disorder), and, in some cases, weight gain. At its extreme, people complain of feeling depressed and can demonstrate obvious cognitive difficulties. Once placed on the right dose of medication these symptoms usually resolve over time.
It will be important for your physician to check your thyroid functions (T3, T4, and TSH) on a regular basis until you are on the correct dose of medication for you. It can take a while to “dial in the dosage.”
Hypothyroidism is not tough to treat. If left untreated it can lead to some problems.
Good luck to you!
Thanks Bill! Is it something you normally have to take for life as well?
Yes, Taylor @Tee25 . It is typically a lifelong disorder. Once you get your medication dosage dialed in things go pretty well.
I haven’t had to change my dosage in over three years, now. But I may have to at some point. The “thyroid panel” (i.e., routine blood tests; every six to twelve months) will guide the change.
Hi Taylor - Adding on to what Bill said - it’s all part of your endocrine system - so when one area is out of whack all others are affected. For me sugar, cholesterol, and thyroid are impacted by each other. When you get each component in good operation all work well. I think sugar probably impacts the other two the most - the more my sugar is in control the easier it is to manage the other two. It does take a little time to find out the right dosing. First thing when I wake up and no food or drink for one hour unless you’re going low.
*First thing=when I take my unithyroid
I was born with Congenital Hypothyroidism(hypothyroid since birth). Hypothyroidism is common among multiple types of Diabetes and the general population, but there is not much study done for it. Doctors also tend to know way less about thyroid issues and the thyroid gland than they should with how important that little gland is.
With Type 1 Diabetes and Hypothyroidism, it has been found that the same antibodies that attack the pancreas will attack the thyroid gland. It’s called Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism and way more common than the Congenital Hypothyroidism I have.
Your thyroid gland and the hormones produced by Your thyroid(T3/T4) is involved with most of your body organs. The way you burn calories, your weight, your heartbeat, your cholesterol, your skin, your hair, your nails, the way you handle heat and cold, energy, sleeping, your liver, stomach and intestinal track, your reproductive system, the other parts of your endocrine system, glucose absorption rate, your mental processes, and even your mood.
It’s so little, yet so important! It’s a life long condition that requires daily morning medication. Most often doctors just prefer to give a patient T4 medication commonly known as Synthroid, generically know as levothyroxine or levothroid. Many doctors prefer Synthroid, even though price for the generic is more cost effective and preferred by insurance than for the brand.
Some doctors will add T3 to the treatment which is known as the brand, Cytomel, generically known as Liothyronine. Most doctors prefer not to add T3 due to “clinical guidelines” and the fact that most doctors, even endocrinologists, have issues figuring out how to effectively determine dosage or translate the results of a T3 test.
There are also medications that have a mixture of T3 and T4, but doctors don’t like to venture into that territory except for a few doctors that are way from the normal doctor you run into.
Just keep in mind that you are not alone in this, it’s something that can be managed by working with preferrably your endo, but a PCP can help, and don’t be afraid to talk with your doctor about any symptom you have.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about a month after my T1 diagnosis earlier this year. Looking back on things, I had symptoms associated with hypothyroidism for longer than my T1 symptoms. As everyone has said its a once a day pill in the morning for life so a rather easy treatment compared to T1. I have definitely noticed treatment helping with my symptoms. My biggest complaints were hair loss (im talking huge clumps all the time, my hair is waaay thinner than it used to be), extreme tiredness allll the time and cold feet all the time. Treatment has helped a lot with these issues once I was on the right dose. Hopefully it does the same for you!
Thank you everyone! This makes me feel a lot better. As dramatic as it sounds, I knew it wasn’t the end of the world but I was also pretty irritated that another vital part of my endocrine system was no longer working properly. I’ve been on the meds for about five days now and I’m still having symptoms. I know it typically takes a couple of weeks to feel better but just curious how long it took all of you before you felt some relief from symptoms?