How many days have you used a sensor before changing?

I use a Dexcom7 CGM.  I have been consistently using a sensor for at least 14 days. There has been only one time that i needed to change a sensor before 7 days. I have been using the current sensor for 28 days!  My meter #'s are consistent with my CGM #'s.

What is the record for longest use?  If you live in my area, Kirkland, WA, I'll buy you a Starbucks if you have gone longer than 28 days.

Hi Rich,

I also use the Seven Plus.  My longest time with the same sensor was 17 days, and I had to remove it because my skin had gotten pretty red and irritated by that time.  When I removed it, I had a pretty nasty red mark from where the sensor wire was.  I wish I could go 28 days without scratching myself crazy!  :)  Good for you.

Ack! I have a red mark after a week -- more than 2 weeks would be too itchy for me too!

Luckily, my insurance pays 90%, so it's really only a matter of finding 5 minutes to change the thing which I don't mind doing. If I'm having a "bad" sensor week, I'll change it after 7 days, but for a "good" sensor I don't want to give up, I'll try for 14 days.

I'm on the Medtronic pump and CGM and I generally go 5 - 7 days before changing the sensor.  The sensor tracks really great for the entire week and I've heard of people wearing them for crazy-long amounts of time - but my sensitive skin is just ready for it to be in a different place at the end of a week.  It's not even the site where the sensor goes in that's so itchy, it's the tape around it and the transmitter pressing into my skin that I just get tired of.  I'm lucky that my insurance covers them 100%, so I don't really worry about trying to make them last any longer than that.

I normally only hit about 12 - 14 days. I never think to try another round of CGM. My biggest issue is that usually around day 10 the adhesive starts to die and pull up. Usually I use water proof tape to stick it on if it is really running away. But by day 14 the whole thing is pretty much running from me.

[quote user="Rich"]

I use a Dexcom7 CGM.  I have been consistently using a sensor for at least 14 days. There has been only one time that i needed to change a sensor before 7 days. I have been using the current sensor for 28 days!  My meter #'s are consistent with my CGM #'s.

What is the record for longest use?  If you live in my area, Kirkland, WA, I'll buy you a Starbucks if you have gone longer than 28 days.


Hi Rich!  I live in Kirkland, WA too!  Small world!  I wonder if we've ever run into each other at any JDRF events...or at the grocery store, for that matter!

I use my Dexcom sensor for 14 days.  It is not as accurate if I go longer than that. I used to have itchy red spots under the tape that I use around the sensor edges. "Skin-Prep_ is the product I use to prevent the redness and itching. I wipe on the Skin Prep and let it dry before applying the tape. I have not had any redness or itching since. If your drug store does not carry Skin Prep, Google it and order online.

Umm how do you make it go longer- just stop the sensor and restart it like it was new?

My daughter uses her MiniMed CGM sensor for no longer than 7 days. Usually on the 7th day she gets funky readings (saying she is hi or low when she isn't).


For my daughters minimed CGM we "start new sensor" after it says sensor end.

Hi Candace

We live in the Totem Lake area.  We walk by Mark Twain Elem all the time, on the waterfront when the weather allows, and usually visit the 85th St. Starbucks when the lines are too long:)

I just started on Minimed CGM about a month ago and haven't even tried to go beyon 3 days.  That would be so helpful (well.... besides the itching!).  Do you just start a "New Sensor" every time you get the sensor end message?  Let me know if there are any helpful tips I should be aware of.


i dont know what it is.?

wow. impressive. I wear the minimed cgms, but only for 6-8 days, then it gets itchy and has to be removed.

I usually go for about 12-15 days before it gives up the ghost.  I have problems with the adhesive on the sensor itself going wonky after only a few days.  I could go longer on the sensor, but I use those wound dressings, the clear kind, and they irritate me after a while.  I tried the waterproof tape but it didn't work very well at all for me.  I'll try the skin prep under the dressing and see how it does.

After the 1st 3 days, I wait 10 min. and then just go to NEW SENSOR.  If you test before the 2 hr. time period you will start.  After the next 3 day period (and I have a good sensor insertion from the first time), I take the tape off, power up the sensor and hook it back up.  I haven't tried for longer than 9 days, but I might.  I live in Bremerton.

.  [quote user="Richard Vaughn"]

I use my Dexcom sensor for 14 days.  It is not as accurate if I go longer than that. I used to have itchy red spots under the tape that I use around the sensor edges. "Skin-Prep_ is the product I use to prevent the redness and itching. I wipe on the Skin Prep and let it dry before applying the tape. I have not had any redness or itching since. If your drug store does not carry Skin Prep, Google it and order online.


I just ordered some Skin  Prep online.  Thanks for the tip.  I hope it helps.  The first 3 insertions were fine, but this most recent left a rash on my skin.  I called my local pharmacy and they seemed very confused.  They had no idea what I was talking about.  They seem to be order takers now a days.  What ever happened to the helpful Pharmacist?

I have Dexcom as well, but my sensors barely last a week. They usually fall off by then, and I do use both SkinTac and the swimming cover things they sell. The most I've ever gone was probably 10 or so days. Although, I do only wear them the week before my endo visits, because our insurance refuses to cover my CGM or the sensors.

[quote user="Richard Vaughn"]

I use my Dexcom sensor for 14 days.  It is not as accurate if I go longer than that. I used to have itchy red spots under the tape that I use around the sensor edges. "Skin-Prep_ is the product I use to prevent the redness and itching. I wipe on the Skin Prep and let it dry before applying the tape. I have not had any redness or itching since. If your drug store does not carry Skin Prep, Google it and order online.


I have to say THANK YOU for the Skin Prep tip.  I got them last week and used it before putting on my latest CGM and wonderfully there is NO RASH!  I just wanted you to know I appreciated your tip.  THANK YOU Richard!

I have a Minimed CGM and the longest I went was also for 28 days.  I was still getting excellent readings but since I was coming up on a month, I started getting a little freaked out and wondered if I was going to give myself some awful infection!  For the few of you who asked, if you have a Minimed, every 3 days DO NOT take the sensor out.  Just go to the sensor screen and click "start new sensor".  Your pump doesn't know whether or not you took it out and those things are expensive.  I ordered a box of 10 last summer and I am still using them.  I keep mine in until I am no longer getting good readings.  Oh and after 6 days (when I need to start a new sensor again), I take the tape off and CAREFULLY remove the transmitter leaving the sensor in my leg.  This allows me to charge the transmitter and reattach it to the sensor without ever having to insert a new one.  This is how you can get 20+ days out of 1 sensor.  Good luck to those of you who haven't tried it yet!