My daughter(11) was just diagnosed 2 months ago, her school is now setting up her 504 plan. They asked me to call her nurse case manager and have her send over a list of recommendations/suggestions to which the nurse case manager said they really can’t give recommendations. Any tips on what middle school 504 plans should include? Definitely want to be prepared to advocate for my daughter just don’t really know what we should include.
This should give you a good idea of what to include:
@Victoria hi Victoria, welcome to Type One Nation.
I like this list provided by @Jason1 , I would also make a provision that a smartphone or tablet is allowed to be on the child’s person - this allows the use of a CGM with follower app. many schools prohibit smartphones in the classroom. It can allow a future CGM to smartwatch so your child can monitor their blood sugar discreetly.
Welcome @Victoria to the TypeOneNation Forum.
In addition to the good information already provided here, I’d suggest that you click on the “Resources” tab at the top of this page and enter “504” in the search box. I just did that, selected the “504 plan” offering to read and found much information complete with what should be included along with suggestions for your interface with school personnel.
Some of our students with Type 1 have “care” pkgs in each classroom they visit during the day. A little juicebox left in each room, etc. I am T1D and I work in Middle School. The kids are at an age where they don’t often want attention and some of them actually enjoy the attention. Have to work with your own child’s personality. Some schools have policies regarding cell-phones & backpacks as well so be sure to have that addressed if your school has a no backpack policy during the school day or if your child needs their cellphone for monitoring throughout the day. Our school nurse sends a notice to all of us in the beginning of the school year with pics of the kids that are allowed to carry backpacks & cellphones for health reasons. Just something to think about. Good luck!
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