Have you ever?

My brother (whos the diabetic) went to the eye doctor like last week. The doctor came in and did the exam and said everything looked good however she said dont get your hopes up because your eyes can change in the matter of a day when your a diabetic. Then she proceded to us that they will never find a cure for diabetes. She didnt have anything good to say about it. My mom was totally shocked that the doctor was telling all of us this. When it was time to leave and schedule another appt she told them that she didnt ever want to see her again and explained what happened. Of course the office staff appologized and he got put under the other doctors care. Has this ever happened to you? What did you do or what do you do when your put in this situation?

O course it would be pointless for a doctor to tell a patient with Type 1 Diabetes (or any other disease for that matter) that their disease is incurable.. even if she (or he) believed it, or even if it was true.  And only God knows for certain if, and when, Type 1 will be cured.  Why would you want to destroy a patient's hope?

Furthermore, diabetic retinapathy does not develop in one day or over a week or even over a month.  It's a progressive condition which generally (but not always) takes years to cause problems if left untreated.  And, IT IS VERY TREATABLE with laser and vitrectomy surgery.

Deciding to find another ophthamologist was absolutely the correct thing to do.  I believe that all Type 1's should be seen by ophthamologists who specialize in retina disorders... and NOT an optometrist (they are specialists in prescribing eyeglasses and contact lenses for vision correction) or any old general ophthamologist.  Go to a retina specialist.

Is your brother seeing an Ophthalmologist or an Optometrist?  He really should be seeing an ophthalmologist, both are considered eye doctors but both didn't go to medical school.  In my opinion this doctor was out of line.  Yes, she needs to explain the complications diabetes may cause on the vision but there are ways to be compassionate but yet get the point across.  I've worked with visually impaired people for about 15 years and most of the diabetics who I see have lost their vision over time and it's because they weren't in control and/or going for regular eye exams.  I would have done what your mom did - find another doctor.  If you don't like your doctor or feel they are not qualified/competent by all means find another one.   

I must say it's amazing the difference of opinion that Dr's, and other people always seem to have.  You get ones that really do care, and have an honest/logical opinions, and others that could really care less.  I am always ready to give a good solid argument aith anything diabetes related, and I'm always willing to set them straight if I have too.  Unfortunately people assume one way (TYPE 2), and really don't care......IT"S SAD!!!

[quote user="Tracey "]

Is your brother seeing an Ophthalmologist or an Optometrist?  He really should be seeing an ophthalmologist, both are considered eye doctors but both didn't go to medical school.  In my opinion this doctor was out of line.  Yes, she needs to explain the complications diabetes may cause on the vision but there are ways to be compassionate but yet get the point across.  I've worked with visually impaired people for about 15 years and most of the diabetics who I see have lost their vision over time and it's because they weren't in control and/or going for regular eye exams.  I would have done what your mom did - find another doctor.  If you don't like your doctor or feel they are not qualified/competent by all means find another one.   



 I'm not sure which one he goes to actually. And I didn't know that one doesn't go to medical school. But I'm sure my mom has him going to the right one condidering his endo told her basically where to go.