First let me give you a little background info: I've been a T1 for 30 years and my A1Cs are always at, or very close to, 6.0. No complications yet of any kind, either.
But for the past few weeks I've had lots of highs (300s), which is really unusual for me. I'm on the OmniPod pump and I have a CGM, so monitoring and/or correcting is usually pretty easy. The problem is, lately, I'll notice that my blood sugar is heading up, so I'll bolus, but instead of it starting to come down, it'll continue to go up.
Right now my BG is hitting 400, even though I've bolused 3 times since lunchtime. I even tried swapping out my pod, thinking that maybe that's where the problem is. Didn't seem to matter though. My BG continued to creep up.
Not sure what to do next. Anyone having a similar situation or have any ideas? I'm wondering if I'm developing an insensitivity to insulin.