Going to the beach with my pump

I'm not sure what to do.  I am going to Topsail, NC with my in-laws and I love to swim in the ocean and lay on the beach all day.  I wear a pump so it makes me nervous to be in the sand with it and of course with the MiniMed pump you have to take it off before going in the water.  The last time we went to the beach I went off the pump and went back to injections.  I was all over the place for the longest time until me and the doc finally got the dosage right.  Well by that time I was about to go back to my pump.  So now I have to decide to either go back to injections or just stay with my pump.  Which will mean taking it off and on constantly.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!  What are your opinions?

Well Karen, I know with my Animas 2020 I wear it all the time when I'm at the beach/floating in the ocean (lucky you), but that's because it's waterproof.  The only prob is sand getting into the battery cap area - but that doesn't seem to effect how it works.

The only thing I could suggest is to disconnect from the pump when you are at the beach, and use fast acting insulin via MDI (multiple doseage injections)  like you use in your pump to keep your blood sugars within a healthy range.  I mean, you could go and do the MDI  like you did before, you know with Lantus/Levemir for basal, but if it's only for a short time - I'd say - go with the fast acting insulin via injections.

I did that when I was at Disneyworld last year, not the beach, but disconnected from the pump for the whole day, since Animas says not to wear the pump on rides (I LOVE RIDES - THE MORE SPINNING / DROPPING THE BETTER - WHOO! WHOO!).  Okay, back to reality, sitting at my PC not on a numb brain skull ride at the moment.  Anyway, with all the walking around, and I was eating foods that I don't normally eat.  I managed to keep my BG's (blood glucose) at a really excellent level.  Probably the same would apply to the beach, with you being more active.  Just make sure to have lots of snacks, etc. etc.

Hope this helps - maybe someone else will have some other suggestions that I haven't thought about.

Not that off topic, but my dad's family has a house on Figure 8 Island, which is just south of Topsail.  We can always see the fireworks there on the Fourth of July :)

But anyway, I use a MM pump, too, and I had a lot of issues with the salt water and sand deforming the set.  If you wear the protector cap over your set, it will help prevent sand and salt water from destroying it.  Just plan to bring extra sets with you in case the salt water and sand damage your set so much that you can't reconnect.  If you reconnect and bolus for your missed basals every hour, you should be fine.  Also, if you find a site that's underneath your bathing suit that you like, I've found the set isn't damaged as much as when it is directly exposed to the elements. 

Bring extra insulin and supplies with you, and have a great time! :)


Have you ever noticed, when changing your set after spending time in the water, the skin all around where the cannula was get red, raised up and puffy?  That has happed to me before.  I'm not sure if it's because the salt water got into it and irritated the hole or what.  It lasted for about 2 or 3 days and then healled up.

Hi Karen,

I just got a waterproof sportguard case for my MiniMed pump.  See my post about it:  http://juvenation.org/forums/p/6419/68028.aspx#68028  It worked really well through all the waterfalls, rapids, waves, and swimming pool.  Not a drop of water or a grain of sand got in.  I admit it's a little bulky, but well worth it.

Ihave a waterproof case that i got for mm pump, but I usually wear it so the set is under my suit put the safety cap on when I disconnect, usually test before  I disconnect and reconnect aft about an hour, test again and bolus for missed basals.

No, I don't think that's ever happened to me.  What you thought makes sense - if any water/other stuff gets into your site, it could definitely get irritated.  Another reason the protector caps are good!

I don't know...I've gone to the beach many times with my pump.  Most recently was a few months ago when I went to Hawaii for a week.  I just clip my pump to my bikini bottoms and disconnect when I go into the water.  I'm generally only in the water for a few minutes at a time anyway and I reconnect right when I get out of the water.  I generaly don't worry about whatever insulin I missed because the extra activity of swimming and playing around on the beach makes me need less insulin anyway.  I tend to test a little bit extra just to make sure I'm staying within a good range. 

Good luck and I hope you have a fun trip!

[quote user="ScrappyDy"]

Hi Karen,

I just got a waterproof sportguard case for my MiniMed pump.  See my post about it:  http://juvenation.org/forums/p/6419/68028.aspx#68028  It worked really well through all the waterfalls, rapids, waves, and swimming pool.  Not a drop of water or a grain of sand got in.  I admit it's a little bulky, but well worth it.


I don't know if I missed it in your post, but where did you get it from and how much was it?  I have the 722 model, would it fit?


I don't know the measurements of the 722 model, but Jonathan was asking about that too.  I put measurements of the case in the post, so if your 722 measurements will fit within those measurements, than it should fit.  I have the 522 and there is still a good bit of room within the case when the 522 is inside.  I'm not sure how much bigger the 722 is.  It's a little pricey of a case though at $59.95 either from the Medtronic store site https://www.medtronicdiabetes.com/mmStore//application?origin=sub_category_view.jsp&event=bea.portal.framework.internal.portlet.event&pageid=Products&portletid=Products&wfevent=product_detail_direct.event&wlcs_product_item_key=MMT-145 or from this site:  http://www.diabetesexpress.ca/product_info.php/products_id/395?osCsid=894ff2.