Fellow Canucks

Anyone out there from...Canada? I see the majority of us here are from the States, especially judging by the prevalence of mg/dL use. First time I saw "my blood sugar is 280" I just about had a heart attack!

I myself am from Edmonton, Alberta.

im from canada! i want to know why the title is canucks, wouldnt it be the oilers, because you live in edmonton? im a canuck fan!

Canuck is just another term for "Canadian".

Born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario... I just live in the US :)  It took me a while to get used to translating my BS into the "American System" :)

My family is from Thunder Bay. Small world.

I was born in Toronto, ON, moved to Niagara Falls when I was 23, then moved here to Kitchener, ON (about an hour drive west of Toronto) seven years ago.  It's nice to know that other Canadians are tuned into this site!


By the way Kater, you made me laugh with the BS is 280 story!  Just imagine that in mmol/L, "eh"!



Look at all us hosers, eh?  ;o)

I'm a 'Toban, but a Flames fan through to every cell in my blood (I actually even bleed red! heheh).  Born in the Gap, lived in Cow Town for a while, work in the 'Peg.

If you can read that and know what I'm talking about, you probably also enjoy poutine and know that it's almost always winter in Canada...we just have three months of bad tobogganing.



Ah.... is it just wrong that I have my weekly dose of poutine even though it involves shredded cheddar and not the curds?!

The saying in TBay about summer is that it's 2 weeks of bad skiing in August.. lol.. looks like all canucks have similar thoughts on the subject! 


YAY Canada!!! I guess no one is from the Vancouver area?  We need to get more Canadians on this site. :D

[quote user="Becky"]

Ah.... is it just wrong that I have my weekly dose of poutine even though it involves shredded cheddar and not the curds?!

The saying in TBay about summer is that it's 2 weeks of bad skiing in August.. lol.. looks like all canucks have similar thoughts on the subject! 



heheh...we'll let it slide, but it's just not the same.  If you like, I can dry-ice-ship some curds down for you for authenticity ;o).

Perk: there are a few others from Van for sure on the site.  I'm actually involved with a few from that area for a JDRF fundraising initiative.  Message me if you want to get invoved.


I'm also Canadian =) and am currently living in Victoria, BC.  I was born in Windsor, ON but spent the last few years in Guelph, ON.  Anybody else from Vacouver Island?

Talk about timing, Laura!  I live in Kitchener, ON and I just, just sent an email to someone I knew about 20 years ago and I just found out that she is located in Guelph!  Also, small world, my parents are both from the Windsor area, Dad from Tilbury, Mom from Tecumseh, so I still have a lot of relatives there.

As for Victoria... nothing yet!  LOL

Welcome, eh!


I am from Vancouver Island :)

I am originally from Montreal, QC, went to grad school in Ottawa and currently live in the US near Seattle (almost Vancouver! So close but so far!)

Im from Vancouver-ish.. =P lol

I am from Red Deer, AB!  Not very far from Edmonton at all.  I go to U of A!