Extra Animas Ping Supplies

I am switching over to the 670g tomorrow. I currently have the Animas ping and I have SO MANY extra supplies. I have two unopened shipments. I can’t find anywhere to donate them and I certainly do not want to throw them out because I know there is someone who can use them. Does anyone one know of places I can donate?

Hi there! I am so happy to have found you! I am on the animas ping pump and running out of supplies. Would you please consider donating the supplies to me? I am in the process of having to change pumps due to animas going out of business. But, I am having a hard time trying to decide on which pump and fighting with insurance to cover it! I hate all this crazy nonsense, but this is where I am. Any help would greatly be appreciated! What about postage? I could pay for that. Please let me know, jianuario@yahoo.com
Thank you