Express Scripts and Mass Health Dexcom G6 Sensors

I have Cigna Insurance with a Mass Health backup for my 14 year old son. He uses the Dexcom G6 Sensors along with a Tandem Tslim Pump. In July 2021 Cigna stopped contracting with Independent Medical Supply companies who sent us our Dexcom Supplies. After a multitude of phone calls and setting up accounts with multiple supplies, I have come to find that Cigna no longer covers the Dexcom G6 under their Durable Medical Supply coverage and now it is through the Pharmacy Benefit for Express Scripts. Express Scripts only offers it at a discounted price which is roughly close to $400 a month. Has anyone found a solution to this scenario to have Mass Health pick up the difference? If I have to be transferred to one more person I think I’ll scream!
Frustrated in Wrentham MA

You might try contacting your device rep. They should be familiar with the suppliers and insurance programs. I’ve tried coordinating some things between a supplier and insurance and ended up with a massive headache - the reps and carriers speak the same language - my rep was able to get things figured out on no time.