Hello!! I’m a recently diagnosed type 1 (5 months ago), aged 22.
Over the last 4 1/2 months I have maintained relatively good control with fasting sugars of 70-110 on average, and postprandial numbers of 105-140 (with only the occasional slip-up).
However, the last two weeks or so no matter what the content of my meal (high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat, protein always medium, etc…), I cannot bring my 4 hour-post meal sugars down.
I will eat a typical meal and take a typical dose and see a good number 2 hrs post meal (between 80-135)…then 4 hours later it will either stay up (never lower than 120) or most of the time rise even higher (anywhere between 135 and 240!).
I know that this can have to do with fat and fiber content delaying the rise in sugar from carbs, and granted, most of the time I follow a lowish-carb diet(anywhere between 15 and 60 carbs per meal) so I do tend to eat a fair amount of fat. I know that some pump-users would do a square bolus or something like that, but I’m on MDIs and I have tried splitting my dosage up with little success (I then just have high numbers 2 hours and 4 hours later). Also, my doctor mentioned that this would be for the occasional very-high fat content meal (ex. bacon cheeseburger) and this seems to be happening with all of my meals regardless of fat content.
I wondered if I might be needing to up my daily Lantus dosage and it might be a basal problem? However, if I wait 5-6 hours after the meal, my blood sugar invariably finds its way back down to 90 or so.
I also wonder if this might be signs of my honeymoon period ending?
Does anyone have any thoughts about this or experience with this kind of difficulty while eating a moderate fat-moderate to low carb diet?
PS: I am also in contact with my endo currently, but I hopefully wanted to get some anecdotal personal other type 1’s feedback
Thank you so much for any advice!!