Does your insulin make you gain weight?

I have noticed weight gain in the area of my stomach where I take my shots. Also in my legs and I take shots there as well. Is anyone else having this problem?

I lost alot of wt initially (too much) but now I am concerned that I am gaining back fat in certain pockets. 

I eat pretty good so I think this is an insulin reaction. Help! 

Well I always heard that Atlantus puts weight on you, but I haven't heard of other insulins doing that.... Hmmm.... but that doesnt mean that they don't.  That's a very good question to ask your doctor :)

I have gained quite a bit of weight since being diagnosed last year.  From what I have read I'm also not the only one who has gained weight since starting on insulin.  I also eat healthy and I still gain weight.  :(

it's not uncommon for you to gain weight once you start insulin because your body is no longer eating itself. also, the less active you are the more insulin you need to take, so the more weight you keep on/add on because insulin is a hormone(correct me if im wrong but that's my understanding) that's why when you go on the pump a lot of people experience weight gain because they eat more and take more insulin.

There other threads on this topic if you wanted to search, but the consensus seems to be that having T1/being on insulin can lead to weight gain for many (but not all) of us. We're having to take more insulin subcutaneously than an non-diabetic would have in their system. Treating lows can also lead to more calorie intake.

Batts, that's all exactly how I understand it.  My dietitian asked me, not long after I started treatment, if I'd gained weight.  I said yes, a few pounds, and she said that's normal because the insulin was letting me use and store carbs normally again.

The way I think of it is that insulin doesn't "make you gain weight," is allows you to gain weight like a normal person.  (Not my favorite part of watching my health!  Ha!)

I know for me, the convenience of having an insulin pump makes me a tad "carb happy" from time to time. So, I know that I've gained some weight from that. I wouldn't say it was the insulin itself, just the ability to take it when I need/want it. Also, I know that I've developed small hypertrophies/scar tissue around my stomach area, which gives me a little extra padding :P Keeps me warmer in winter lol All in all, this is something that you could bring up to your doctor or CDE.

i nocticed also that i gained 10 pounds and i went to my doctor to ask her if it was my insulin. she said that insulin MAY put on weight, but it's actually more what your eating with the insulin. like, if you eat something with a lot of carbs and then take a lot of insulin, it makes you gain weight faster. at least that's what i was told. so basically, eat less carbs so you take less insulin. it's helped me.

I gained a lot of weight initially.. about 30-40lbs over the course of a year. but I also really needed it, as I weighed only 60lbs. at age 12 right before my diagnosis! I'm guessing my weight gain was caused by the meal plans I was on rather than the insulin itself. I personally never noticed weight gain in the areas I inject, but I use Humalog insulin and always have. Maybe you could talk to your doctor about switching insulin?

[quote user="suzifent"]

I have noticed weight gain in the area of my stomach where I take my shots. Also in my legs and I take shots there as well. Is anyone else having this problem?

I lost alot of wt initially (too much) but now I am concerned that I am gaining back fat in certain pockets. 

I eat pretty good so I think this is an insulin reaction. Help! 


that sounds a lot like me. before insulin i lost a bunch of weight (i was also very sick too). but in the last three months i gained 14 lbs.....