Do you have diabetes education in school?

Diabetes health education

I don't have diabetes but I am doing some research into how effective diabetes education is in schools, if you have any stories about the diabetes education you have or have not received at school i'd like to hear about them.




My school doesn't I didn't think school's could do that kind of stuff?

My school doesnt do diabetes education but when I found out that I had it in september, I got to talk to my class about it and theyre still learning a lot from me. My high school that I will be going to next year is named after one of the doctors that found insulin and my friends from there already know about diabetes from the education there and the information that I`ve heard from them seems right.

My first day of 1st grade, also my first day with diabetes at school, my teacher read a book about diabetes to the whole class, i was so embarassed, and from then on kids kept asking my the dumbest questions they could ask, i would have been fine without anyone knowing, only close friends and teachers at school. Now at high school that is how it is just close friends teachers and only a few not that close. I just get annoyed when people ask me something about diabetes then says "grandma has it", its not the same. As far as diabetes education in schools i think it would be a good idea, but it really won't work the way we would like it to.

no we dont, and id like to keep it that way! We had one VCR in health class that had a little about diabetes, but the video was like a billion years old! It showed a girl giving insulin in her arm with this big HUGE needle! lol i got alot of questions after that!

[quote user="Rachel"]

My school doesn't I didn't think school's could do that kind of stuff?


Hi Rachel,

Schools certainly can but often because of a lack of time and money (in addition to other factors) they decide to leave it out of the curriculum.

Do you have any Health classes in your school?

Do you have a school nurse?

[quote user="figure skater girl"]

My school doesnt do diabetes education but when I found out that I had it in september, I got to talk to my class about it and theyre still learning a lot from me. My high school that I will be going to next year is named after one of the doctors that found insulin and my friends from there already know about diabetes from the education there and the information that I`ve heard from them seems right.



I'm happy to hear that your efforts have paid off, education at a school level seems to be very important for diabetes awareness.

I wonder if you have any thoughts about how reliant schools are on diagnosed diabetics for the quality of their diabetes education. Did you mind being the center of attention when it came to diabetes education in your class?

[quote user="Michelle "]

My first day of 1st grade, also my first day with diabetes at school, my teacher read a book about diabetes to the whole class, i was so embarassed, and from then on kids kept asking my the dumbest questions they could ask, i would have been fine without anyone knowing, only close friends and teachers at school. Now at high school that is how it is just close friends teachers and only a few not that close. I just get annoyed when people ask me something about diabetes then says "grandma has it", its not the same. As far as diabetes education in schools i think it would be a good idea, but it really won't work the way we would like it to.


That's an important fact about education in schools, it's not always the nicest thing to be the center of attention. I guess when so much of the diabetes education in schools originates from proactive diagnosed individuals like yourself it must be hard to live a normal school life and forget about it.

Do you feel that people would treat you differently after that?

How would you like the education done? Do you think it is important for people to know about Diabetes?

[quote user="Nikki "]

no we dont, and id like to keep it that way! We had one VCR in health class that had a little about diabetes, but the video was like a billion years old! It showed a girl giving insulin in her arm with this big HUGE needle! lol i got alot of questions after that!


I would love to see that video!

Maybe some schools aren't aware that the treatment and ideas about diabetes has changed so much now. Maybe they haven't learnt anything about diabetes since they trained as teachers years ago? What do you think? Why was it so lame?

[quote user="Christopher"]Did you mind being the center of attention when it came to diabetes education in your class?[/quote]


I didnt really enjoy it but I knew it was important for my class to know some of the basics and some of my friends are trained to test my blood sugar. It paid off since one day at lunch I was seriously low(i didnt even realize it before and I could help myself) so that then people would have had an idea of whats goi ng on and what to do. I get special treatment when it comes to eating and food storage(i have my own class room drawer and minifridge in the gym!) What paid off even more was i had my diabetes identification paper at school and i must have dropped it and the least expecting person brought it back!

my school had it but it didn't help much the only ones that cared were my close friends honestly, no one else gave a shit pardon the language but it true. i was the first diabetic in the district and that was 16 years ago when i graduated there were 8 just in the high school and it was still the same...

i still use huge needles so not too much has changed with that

no all we learn is that diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the cpr course. but when we were learning that just about the entire pe class knew i was diabetic and they thought i was going to die so they started to freak out. its was really funny.

[quote user="David Hein"]

my school had it but it didn't help much the only ones that cared were my close friends honestly, no one else gave a *** pardon the language but it true. i was the first diabetic in the district and that was 16 years ago when i graduated there were 8 just in the high school and it was still the same...



Hi David,

It must be frustrating in this situation, did you ever have any complications whilst at school? I wonder how they coped?

I'd like to ask your opinions on the best way to educate people about diabetes, most people have short attention spans, especially kids so it's a difficult task especially if they don't personally suffer.

[quote user="Dani"]

no all we learn is that diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the cpr course. but when we were learning that just about the entire pe class knew i was diabetic and they thought i was going to die so they started to freak out. its was really funny.



Hi Dani,

''...they thought i was going to die...'' LOL :o)

I guess it's an natural outcome of not learning about diabetes properly, people get wrong ideas!

I read in your profile that you are the only diabetic at school, is that still the case? Can you tell me a little about your experiences being the first and maybe some of the problems you have faced and what could make life easier?

Also, do you have a school nurse?

We don't. Though we did have a diabetes education session when I first started at our jr. in gr. 7. It was really weird and kind of embarrassing. It freaked the crap out of a bunch of students that didn't come from our elementary school me.