Do you EVER correct earlier than 2.5 or 3 hours after?

I know the general rule is not to correct a high BG too early, and 2.5 hours is "too early" according to my CDE (and my endo prefers 3 hours).

But surely, there must be situations where a PWD should break this rule...  Right?  What if you dined out and had a combination food that you had to guess on, and an hour later you're looking at an insanely high number that you know clearly means you guessed wrong?  Or what if it turns out your infusion site leaked (even though you don't know how much got into your system)?  Or what if your BG gets just plain too high?

Under what circumstances would you break that time limit rule?

(This is inspired by the fact tht I'm sitting here staring at a 258 on my Dexom, about an hour and 20 minutes after eating brakfast.  This particular sensor has tended to exaggerate in general, but I tested at about the 1 hour mark and it was 211...  So it's probably not much better than what Dex shows.)

Oh, and this morning's high is a mystery.  I've tended to run a little high for the past week, but I ate exactly the same breakfast ysterday with great results!  WTF?!

I always correct after two hours if when I check after eating its high. I was never told I have to wait three hours to correct. As long as you take into account the IOB you should be fine to correct.

It's case-by-case for me, but if the situation warrants it, then yep!  I'll correct when I notice the problem, not when the problem has become full-blown.

That's my plan today... once I hit the 2 hour mark, I'm retesting, correcting, then ust keeping an eye on Dexcom to make sure I don't go too low.  If Dexom is corect, I'm heading toward 300... and I refuse to sit on a number like that.

Also, I guess this will tell me by lunchtime whether my infusion site needs a change.

Best feature on an insulin pump is the Bolus Wizard (that's what it's called on Minimed) where you enter current blood sugar and let it calculate active insulin and recommend if more needs to be taken.  You can use it at any point, whether you've bolused in the last 2 hours or the last 20 minutes.

Works for me 100% of the time as long as you have your correction factor, insulin duration and other settings correct on your pump. 

I absolutely do, especially with Dex there as a parachute if i start dropping. 

I agree that I correct earlier if I'm going really high, and esp if the dexcom arrow is shooting straight up. As you said, why bother to go super high when you can prevent it? But, sometimes this does make me go to low, so I make sure I test a lot as I go down if my dexcom isn't on. And I dont do it for something like 210 where the dexcom arrow is going to the right -- I figure it will come down on it's own or stay the same and I'll correct later...

YOu have a pump right? So, you can use the insulin on board feature to figure out about a reduced correction if you still have insulin in your system. I'm on MDI and will use a more conservative ratio if I know there's "IOB."


Thanks everyone!

I've decided I agree about just using the IOB feature and bolusing when I know there's a problem, if I'm going too high for comfort.  I have Dex as an extra safety net, so why not as long as long as I also check my BG to make sure I don't go low?

Which I did, by the way, only to discover the correction did little good... So I changed the infusion site, bolused again, and BEHOLD!  My BG is now behaving.  Something went wrong with the site...  Who knows what?  There was no leakage and no occlusion alarm.  Whatev.

(Also, it looks like I'd better test and have a jolly rancher or two...)

I always correct 2 hours after, I hate being anything over 7, even 2 hours after.  I would rather have a small snack half an hour to an hour after correcting than be high at all.  Do what you feel comfortable with:)

For me, I know that at the 2-hour mark if my BG is any more than 36 over what it was before I started eating, that I haven’t taken enough insulin to cover the meal and yes I correct at that point.

i rarely actually remember to test two hours i just correct when i discover i'm going up. if i test at any time and i'm above 12 or 13 i'll correct. if i'm below 13 i probably won't if i'll be eating a meal or snack soon since i'll be taking insulin shortly anyways.

My honeymoon period's ending and so I've had a lot of high's and my pump settings are out of whack.  Because of this, I test and correct if needed every hour after I eat until my numbers are good again. 

[quote user="jennagrant"]

Best feature on an insulin pump is the Bolus Wizard (that's what it's called on Minimed) where you enter current blood sugar and let it calculate active insulin and recommend if more needs to be taken.  You can use it at any point, whether you've bolused in the last 2 hours or the last 20 minutes.

Works for me 100% of the time as long as you have your correction factor, insulin duration and other settings correct on your pump. 


I love the Bolus wizard too. It works miracles for me in situations like these. However, if I am bolusing that soon to a meal I would usually test a few times after, so I never worry about getting too low because I have such a close eye on my numbers.

I have noticed with the Bolus Wizard feature, when the pump has your blood sugar number in it for 10-15 min. and you take the correction recommended right away and maybe 10 min. later with the same number in there, you push the buttons again and it recommends a little more correction.  Maybe the time factor gets factored in with why for the same number and no more food it would want you to add more correction.