Diabetic Pet Peeves

another is a variation on the "its just diabetes" I hate it when people try to compare me to the people who have cancer. Yes, I f--king know its not as bad as cancer, but it still sucks worse than you will ever know! I know people with cancer and I feel sorry for them but still, you spend 6 months or a year in chemo and its gone, poof! we are stuck with diabetes for life

I agree with Mathew Guy.  People will tell me that at least it isn't cancer or that diabetes is worse than cancer.  I just dont like it when people compare diseases and disorders to make something look worse.

I relate to all these! The original post, #10 is my biggest pet peeve! :P

Haha these are things people have said to me. And people always ask me why I leave class all the time. Do they think Im cutting class. Lol. And another thing that gets on my nerves is when people ask  it because I ate too much sugar. AND another is, "Since you have diabetes, you cant eat any sugar?" ughh that gets on my nerves.

No one knows what we go thru haha :)

When people say...you cant have any sugar right!! Im like uhhhh youd diw without any glucose! and my now ex-friend made me pissy one day because she was like....i wish i had diabetes...i could not take my insulin and get skinyy! and i was like your f***ing kidding me right?!?!!?

Its so awesome coming on here and reading all of these comments ansd just thinking how RIGHT all of you are!!!! haha!!! my friends are all pretty understanding and awesome, but they dont know that much about diabetes, but they think they do!

one thing that annoys me sooooo frikin much is when people dont talk about diabetes in front of me cuz like they think it offends me! and its even worse when they try to tell me i cant eat something because it has too much sugar, or something, or like its a piece of candy and you know "oh, diabetics can never eat sugar!" everyone's gotten that one before, right?! oh my god, drives me insane!!! but anyways, that whole thing like "oh, you cant have that, becuase of...well you know... *glances at my pump*.."  What because i have DIABETES??? is that what ur trying to say?!

these are all so true!

#3 and #10 are the worst! I've had friends take stuff out of my lunch, scream 'You cant eat that' and throw it away leaving me with less carbs than I took insulin for and i end up feeling low. I hate how people don't know that it's not sugar that we need to be aware of and that it's carbs! also, I wish people knew we can eat what we want, we just have to take insulin for it and eat in smaller portions! Stupid un-diabetic people >:(

ok that's insane! that's pretty much as bad as having an eating disorder and probably worse!

There was a point where I was just doing what i was supposed to and my friends talked to the school counselor because they though I had an eating disorder, then the counselor wouldn't listen to me when I told him I was being aware of everything i ate because I am diabetic, then called my mom who had to have my doctor call him and explain it to him.

I was diagnosed at the beginning of this year and I’ve heard all of those except the pump related ones because I don’t have a pump yet but they all drive me crazy! Especially the whole “it’s your own fault” when people say that I get upset because none of this was my fault and nothing I could’ve done would’ve changed it that’s what annoys me most.

I had it where one time some one said “oh im glad you got diabetes so someone else in this town didnt,” like we were chosen by some counsel. Oh! and “there’s no electronics in school!”

and one time i was pricking my finger and waiting for the number to come up and someone started yelling, another kid grabbed a handful of band-aids, the teacher got really scared and a kid almost fainted… it was wacko!!

i thought id shared that with you!

oh! I just remembered!
"which type is the one your born with?"
people once started wearing cold masks around me… that was the most depressing part of my life!!!

“Diet Coke will give you Cancer”
"You cant eat that! That has sugar!"
Those would be my favorite two

I have heard ALL of these in the 2 years I have been diagnosed! I have had to go to the nurse EVERY SINGLE DAY because of snacks and Lows. I HATE IT!

Same here @hannahjust ! I have heard actually all of those quotes atleast 3 times in grade school.

I hate it when people ask me if it hurts when I prick my finger. Of course it does! It’s just that I’ve been doing it for the past three years for 4 times a day that I don’t scream out in agony every time I stick a 3 mm needle into myself. It’s called strength, people. Look it up. :frowning: